
Audio streaming server with files in S3 bucket

I am developing a web service in Node Js to be consumed by an app to stream. My audio files are hosted on AWS S3 bucket. So f ... { console.log('an error: ' + err); }) .stream().pipe(res, { end: true }) Any ideas? Thank you for help;)

Downloading multiple files from Amazon S3

Situation I have hundreds (and even thousands) of small (~50kb) files on Amazon S3 separated into buckets per day. Problem ... re another solution that someone has already used, some native AWS feature or some more efficient idea to solve this problem?

How to specify a blank in AWS CLI S3?

I use PowerShell or CMD to run a command on AWS CLI S3, the command I run is this: aws s3 cp s3://repositorioimagens/amplia ... the . --recursive). How to explain to the CLI that I want a blank in1022-IKON IMAGES > 1022-IKON(ESPAƇO EM BRANCO)IMAGES

How to upload files with Multer in two different storages?

Good night, I need to upload a file to a local folder (where it will be treated to compress the file) and to S3 storage. the ... )`, valores, (req, res) => { return resultado.json() }); }; module.exports = postarArte Thank you all!