
Error updating the Android SDK 29

In Google Play, when downloading the apk file, it writes: Change the Api target level 28 to 29 I go to Unity -> in playe ... Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.1.2f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\tools\bin> Who faced such a problem-please help

Can I make a Windows 8 installer from an already installed system?

There are two ISO's-windows 8 b windows 8.1. Ghbxtv dnjhjt cnfdbncz njkmrj yf e; t ujnjde. Windows 8. Is it possible to someh ... only with ISO. And I have two of them and a bunch of useful programs. P.S. Or rather, how is it easiest for Lamer to do this?

What is assembly in C?#

I have defined the access modifier private protected, it is written that it will be available in this build, but what is meant by the word "build"?

Problems with building jom and Qt5 from source on Windows

Greetings to all. It is not possible to collect jom from isodniki. I am in the directory c:\jom\jom-build, and in the directo ... ment, but the nmake utility works in 1 thread, so I wanted to install jom to deal with the installation of Qt5 itself faster.

The specified exec-maven-plugin file cannot be found [duplicate]

This question has already been answered here: ... plugin> </plugins> </build> </project> The file itself is located in the resources folder:

Why do I need maven?

Hello, I would very much like to know, I have reviewed and reread a lot, but I can't understand it. Why do you need Maven, if there is an IDE-Eclipse, Netbeans, etc.? What is its advantage in builds, if the IDE can handle it?

Runtime Library error. The app doesn't start

When you start the application, an error occurs: I wrote an application in C++ and Qt 5.9.1. Wrote in QtCreator, compiled u ... all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0 SOURCES += \ main.cpp \ ... (мои файлы) HEADERS += \ ... (мои файлы)

Working with pug (jade) templates in a project using webpack

How can I convert pug files to html templates without explicitly importing them to the entry point? The project contains tem ... d the project endlessly. How to work correctly with templates in a project? Can my method work? Where am I making mistakes?

Gulp-notify doesn't work in gulp-plumber. What could be wrong?

I handle errors in SCSS via gulp-plumber. Gulp-plumber is triggered (gulp does not crash on errors), but it is not possible ... pipe(sourcemaps.init() ) .pipe(sass({outputStyle: 'expanded'} ) .on('error', onError)) What could be wrong?

Automatic program assembly tools

Are there any tools for automatically building programs, or do you have to write such scripts manually? For example, I have a ... (for Windows and Unix platforms), preferably also with different compilers. Is there anything like this to satisfy my wishes?

MiniCssExtractPlugin doesn't work in webpack 4 for scss

I started learning webpack. I installed version 4. I collect js and scss files. The task is to get one compressed js file, an ... e, please, what could be the problem? Or maybe there are alternative modules for webpack 4 to generate one single style file?