
The Python interpreter. The sequence in which the code is executed. Namespace and Scope Features

I apologize for the noob question, but after searching the Internet, I could not find a complete answer to the intersex quest ... want to thoroughly understand how the Python interpreter behaves and, in general, the syntax and features of this language.

Scope of the exception in the catch block

Actually, why not the function, but only the block itself? Tested in Chrome, FF, IE11, and Opera 12. function test() ... ; // 15 3 e = x = 17; console.log(e, x); // 17 17 } finally { console.log(e, x); // 10 5 } } test();

What is the correct definition of SCOPE (Scope)

I often come across such a concept as scope but I do not understand it. Tell me the exact definition of what is scope and please attach 2-3 examples, if possible, to php.

Problems with ng-required and ng-disable

I have a web application, where a person can enter their skills but if there is a bug that allows them to enter blank skills, ... ope or something, because if I I put the ng-required="form.$invalid" on the Delete button (trash cans) works, get disabled.

Service-worker scope?

I am working on a PWA and would like to know if the scope or directory where the service-worker file is located can interfere ... push notifications. Will a file that is inside /statics/sw.js work the same way as one that is at the root of the project??

Difference between global and local scope

I have recently come across the concept of global and local scope and, I am having great difficulty understanding them in terms of conceptualization. What would be scope in its definition, and global and local scope?