
Move files with different names from folder to folder and to a remote server

Hi! I need to move files with different names (general name view: photo-[date]-[time].jpg), using a python script, from folde ... ded to a remote server. does this operation need to use SCP, or are there more convenient tools? All methods that were used:

PowerShell is the equivalent of scp from bash

Looking for an anologue scp from bash console. You need to send a file to the server using the keys from the file.

Copying files to multiple servers

Now I have 20 servers + 1 main one. With the main one, I use scp to drop files on all the others. How can I automate the pro ... file can be uploaded to my list of servers? Now I do this: $ scp package.rpm user@server2:/tmp/ And so with 20 servers.

Transfer files via scp between servers

You need to organize the transfer of data from one remote server to another, without downloading it to my computer. This is done via scp, but I haven't found any libs that support this. Can be who thread faced with this?