
Agile methodologies - one programmer

I've heard a lot about Agile methodologies and I really liked the idea. Of course, from what I have seen, the client needs to ... g tasks, etc. My question is: Is there a way to use Agile methodologies working alone? If so, where can I see more about it?

What is Backlog?

I was Reading about the term backlog, but I didn't quite understand what it would be about Scrum. Because, according to thi ... log? What Is Sprint Backlog? what is the influence of the Backlog in relation to a project in which it is using the Scrum?

Is Scrum an incomplete methodology? Or: Agile needs UML?

Scrum and Agile are very popular, but what do they offer of benefits? In the case of Scrum, I can see the improvement, contin ... here Should these disciplines come from? What does it serve to complement the Scrum nowadays? Does the staff care about that?

When to use Waterfall and when to use Scrum?

Is there a clear way to determine when a software development project should be conducted using a Waterfall Methodology or using Scrum? What criteria should be observed for choosing one or the other?