
How do I make an animated background? React/CSS

Good evening, everyone! Please help me, I'm creating a website and I want to put an animation-gif on the background. There is ... > <p>Посмотреть на карте></p> </div> </div>) } } export default Contacts;

How do I make a background from vertical lines via linear-gradient?

I can't figure out the linear-gradient, how to make a similar background? Need a 1px wide gray line every 160px, seamlessly across the entire width and height. I will be grateful for your help.

How do I set a picture as a background for a slide? Why does the image have zero height?

I'm trying to set up a slider for the lesson (1 22 00). I use this markup: div class="main-slider"> <div cl ... I can't understand why the height of the background image is set to 0px and, accordingly, it is not visible. Help me fix it.

Help me draw a segment of the circle

I can't create such angles, I tried it like this: border-radius: 100px 100px 0px 0px / 119px 16px 0px 0px; But I can't align it in any way...

How do I omit the list markers?

The problem is that I set the markers, they did not stand up as they should. I don't understand how to move them, I tried a l ... position: relative; bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; } }

How to reach the CSS element

There is a markup like this: <Grid item xs={5}> { => ( <div className={styles.Crewman ... border-radius: 50%; img { width: 100%; height: 100%; object-fit: cover; } } } }

Compiling scss on webpack

When compiling scss to css on webpack, the console gets the error Mistake Here is the code const path = require('path') ... xtractTextPlugin('./assets/css/main.css') ] } } File locations Please help me I'm still a beginner in this

How do I configure gulp correctly?

let gulp = require('gulp'); // Sass пакет let sass = require('gulp-sass'); // Browser Sync пакет let browerSync = require('br ... Rejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:79:11) The scss file converts to css, but without minification, how do I fix it?

Gulp-sass throws an error when changes to @import files are applied

I use gulp-sass to compile scss files. The main file style.scss and the file that is imported to the main print.scss are loca ... round: orange; &:hover { background: red; } } } How to fix it and what is wrong here ?

How to properly connect scss to webpack?

There was a need to put Sass in the project on React and here is the problem: when the project starts, it returns an error: ... 'style-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader']} What could be the mistake, I do not understand at all. I really hope for you!

How to convert SCSS files to SASS

Preferably using gulp-sass or another plugin for gulp

Connecting fonts to scss via mixin

Hello why is this mixin not working for me in (scss) here is this mixin what am I doing wrong @mixin font-face($font-family ... css @include font-face("firaSans", "../fonts/FiraSansRegular/FiraSansRegular"); ---------^** **

Can I create an @media request for sass?

Hello. I recently started studying sass, where I use multi-level attachments, but it's a little convenient when I need to cha ... >.content:nth-child(2)>.colum:nth-child(1){ text-align: center; } Can I create a media query directly in sass (scss)?

How do I translate a piece of LESS code into SCSS?

Generated a sprite using this service and there it gave out a piece of LESS code, but in ... .stitches-sprite(-234px, -200px, 74px, 47px); } } How can I reformat this small piece of LESS code into SCSS?

gulp "scss" is not an internal or external command, executable program, or batch file

Guys, save me! The bottom line is that the same project works perfectly on one computer, and when I try to run it on another- ... rs , everything is correct , nothing has changed, but on one computer it plows, and on the other it does not. Ai nid help)

Why does Color Highlighter not work for sass-scss modules?

If you do not put the lower one in the path, then the backlight does not work (everything was OK before). From the Sass-Scss ... core at the beginning of the file name. P. S: A new version of Sublime Text 3 has been released (maybe it's a problem).

How do I specify multiple selectors in the ":not " pseudo-class?

There are several classes of the form .card-outline-*, where the asterisk is the color. There is also a .card class. I want ... an't figure out how to use the asterisk. Or is it impossible and you need to list all the classes manually? Please tell me.

Sass syntax highlighting in visual studio code

Hello, such a problem, the visual studio reads scss, not sass, has anyone encountered this?there is no sass in the pull-out menu. How do I enable this syntax highlighting?

How to create an array of variables with scss in VS community

Good Morning, I have a project in Ionic and in it I can configure a series of variables $colors: ( /*-CINZA: ... el) !important; │ ^^^^^^^ ╵ stdin 19:37 root stylesheet on line 19 at column 37

How to make this transition effect using CSS?

How to make a transition with pure CSS, and in the final layout of the transition I will have 2 boxes on the left side. The ... ss="form-review"> <!-- BOX 2 --> nonono nonono </form> </div> Here is a video that shows the problem.