
Image search yandex images python

I need to implement image search using the yandex images service. Does Yandex have an api for this. Please watch the video: h ... earches for similar images. In general, the url that the bot uses has the parameter: token. This is usually seen in the api.

Android: find the value in Sqlite

Hello. I'm just starting to learn programming, I've dug through a bunch of examples and lessons, but things are not moving fo ... in the database (the database contains the name and address, you need to search only by address and output the name+address)?

Search the entire MySQL database

Is it possible to somehow set a search for all the database, all the columns of all the tables? The task is to scan the database for eval. Please tell me if it is possible to implement such a search ?

jQuery / JS how to get id from child elements

<div class="products"> <div class="product" id="1"></div> <div class="product" id="2"></div> ... ;/div> How can I get id and save all objects with the product class from the parent with the products class to an array?

Replacing the burger icon with an arrow

It turned out to synchronize the state of the side menu with the burger button via ActionBarDrawerToggle. I.e., the burger ic ... ment); return NavigationUI.navigateUp(navController, mAppBarConfiguration) || super.onSupportNavigateUp(); }

Quick search in a multidimensional array

On the hands of an array of such content: Array ( [show] => Array ( [0] => Array ( ... li-star-wars-the-force-awakens ) [2] и так далее... Tell me how best to get [id] if there is only [alias]?

How do I do autocompletion via MySQL FULLTEXT index?

There is a table, for example tag: I do a search via match against. Here is the request: SELECT id, name FROM tag WHERE M ... le: chevr? If the word is not fully written, then match against does not give the result. Is there anything other than LIKE?

Search for nested arrays in javascript

Hello. I am puzzling over the task of searching in an array containing an unknown number of nested arrays. The function shoul ... } } } return false; } Application example: console.log(deepSearch([1, 2, [3, 7, [22, [23]], 4, 5], 17], 7));

Implementation of button search in Activity (Android Studio)

The activity has a SearchView and ScrollView component with buttons. How can I search for them and, if there are no matches, filter them out?

How can I find lines with very wide spaces in a Word document in VBA?

How do I find all the lines that have very wide spaces because of the width alignment, like in the picture?