
Index versus Index, Follow

Answer Me a question. What is the difference between <meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> e <meta name="robots" content="index"> Is it the same thing ?

Index site page as topics in google [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... o website development in SEO Not the name of this technique, it looks like it's onebox or something similar Please help me!

Indexing in google TAG h1

Good Morning. How Far Does my knowledge Go google indexes the h1 tag, How do I do the text I want to index related to the si ... he problem is that my site does not appear in searches, even paid R R 100,00 in adwords to see if it improved did not result.

SEO - being penalized by Google Fonts

I am using a font that is in Google Fonts on my website and I am importing through css: @import url('https://fonts.googleap ... ne had this problem? Do you know how this can be adjusted? I have this notification on several sites that use Google Fonts.

Use h3 for product title in showcase

I have a list of products where I put their name within a span using itemprop="name" of to define that this is t ... in the largest e-commerce and most use h2 and have even some that use h1 to set the title of product. This is my client:

Does Content on Carousel harm SEO? Is the content of the Carousel that is hidden indexed?

I am having a doubt regarding the carousel and how its contents are indexed or not by the search crawlers . First of all, ... full contents of a carousel or just the first slide? from an SEO point of view is it worth using this kind of "component"?

Is ALT attribute within span tag valid?

I bought a wordpress template that inserts the highlighted image of this amenira: <span class="fullimage cover" role="im ... ou saw analyze the SEO of the site, only some systems identify the ALt of the image. Should I worry or is this way correct ?

How many times should I use the strong element to highlight a word as important?

I am studying HTML I was left with the following doubt: <h2>Elemento <strong>div</strong></h2> O el ... mething because I have this number of highlights higher or only the highlight of the word " div " in the title would suffice.

Concept of blocking directories in robots.txt [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... ted) to lock these files/folders of content processing(backend) in robots, leaving only images available, css and index.php?

Links within the page does not open or work [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... not work. This is the site Can someone give me a light, than can it be ?