
The right micro-sized bread crumbs?

Faced with a lack of understanding of the semantics of the structure of creating breadcrumbs with micro-markup. There is such ... ll me, please, is there a way to get rid of errors in the W3C validator and not break the micro-markup by passing the tests?

Is it necessary to make a sitemap for a large site?

There is a large forum. Useful links look like this: There are about 43 th ... o do this? a sitemap or search bot Yandex/google handle this ? In robots.txt I have banned all technical links. CNC no links

generating a sitemap for a news site

New to seo, please tell me, there is a website, it has a frequently updated feed of articles, each article has a url like: са ... u/detail?id=134 etc. How do I add all this to the sitemap? Add each such url constantly, or is it enough to specify /detail ?

HTML 5 and micro markup

There is a problem. I'm trying to do SEO for a website. I came across such a thing as micro-markup. Is it necessary at all? p ... </footer> After the markup, the validator swears at all changes in the code, just the same for this micro-markup

Uploading images for a certain number of sites from a single directory

There are a certain number of sites on Wordpress, each of them uses the same images (about 3GB), respectively, "inflated" spa ... t that a dozen sites load images from one place to articles, respectively, the names of the images and Alt are also the same?

Do I need a keywords meta tag?

The keywords meta tag, as described in the current documentation, is not relevant for search robots, however, this tag is use ... I need to add the keywords field to the DB table for all pages (with subsequent output to html), or will this have no effect?

How critical is the site's validity for search robots?

Good afternoon, dear friends. Please tell me (those who understand SEO ), how critical is it to have valid HTML, CSS, JS code ... ing obviously not valid methods (so as not to put crutches in the code) and believe that these are quite acceptable solutions

html5 markup of the product catalog page

Good day. With the release of HTML5, there are many different additional tags and much more. And I want to use them properly ... ; </body> </html> It has the form: However, the questions are still relevant. Help me understand, please.

How to make a CNC on a site written in Node.js?

Please tell me how the site is written in Node.js, implemented by cnc?

How to make a redirect from www to without www

I made a redirect with this code in the file htaccess: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC] Rewri ... dex.php and thrown 404. How do I make it so that when I go to any page with www, I get thrown to a similar page without www?

Why can't I choose my primary domain in the Google Search Console?

I go to the "Site Settings" in the Google Search Console. I choose the main domain ( -without www) and click on "Save ... :// I don't understand how and where to confirm it? I didn't find it in the documentation nothing about that.

It is necessary to promote the teaser network

There is a teaser network. How best to promote it with a minimum budget?

Will Google see rel=nofollow, which is added to links using jquery?

There are several links on the page. After the page loads, the rel="nofollow" attribute is added to them using jQuery. Google ... everal articles on this topic, but I would really like a link to the official doc or at least to the Google development blog.

Does Google change the language of my site in the indexing process?

Does Google modify the culture info of the site in the indexing process? I noticed that on my page that has two languages, G ... glês</a> Exchange CultureInfo via Cookie. Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(languageCookie.Value)

How to fix indexing a website on Google

I have a site that is already indexed by Google, but since I already published to the address when the site was still in test ... I need to create a new domain to index everything correctly, or is there some manual way to do the re-indexing of this site?

Accentuation in meta description

When we use Practice SEO on our site, we have to add <meta name="description"> to be better presented, among other thi ... rch to other languages, can accents be harmful? in question of positioning in searches, accentuation can improve or hinder?

Noindex nofollow of equal sites

I have two identical sites, same content, design, everything(one is homologation the other production). Are in different doma ... ex follow, and the other is noindex nofollow, I would like to know if I will have duplicate content problem with these sites?

How to hide a website from search engines?

I have a site that has been indexed with 115 pages, and 3/4 are with the Old links. The new project is under development, so ... "> <head> <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> </head> <body> </body> </html>

Is it acceptable to use tags,,, inside links / anchors ()?

Is it acceptable in SEO and semantic question to use tags like <h2>, <h3>, <p> and <div> inside <a ... ow that the <a> tag is inline and needs the display: block to work, but the question really is about SEO and semantics.

Share Link with image on Facebook

I would like to know how do I paste a link into a Facebook post and it show an image. For example: if I paste the Twitter lin ... followed by the title and description of the URL page (in the case, Twitter). How do I have this image on my link as well?