
Windows Service Application C#

Hello, dear programmers! I ran into the following problem: I'm new to C#, just learning. Creating a Service application. The ... Windows Service Administrative tool or NET START command. Although the service is running. Tell me, what am I doing wrong?

The service starts and stops immediately

The AlphaAntiLeak Protection userMode Service was started on the "Local Computer" and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not using other services or programs. The service is associated with the Lunar Client program.

Unkillable Service in Android

You need to make sure that my Service is not killed by the system and other garbage cleaners. The code itself: Manifest.xml ... needs it, then adding a restart of the service in void onDestroy () and in onTaskRemoved(Intent rootIntent) partially helped.

How to overcome UAC and install service utility sc.exe?

How to overcome UAC and install service utility sc.exe? The source program is running with administrator rights, but when run ... Diagnostics.Process.Start(processInfo); The startup still takes place with limited rights and the service is not installed.

Unkillable Android Service (Boot,Foreground,Sticky)

The main tasks of the program include executing methods in the background, for which Android Services is used. You need to ... Please indicate the mistakes made during programming, adding them with third-party materials (examples) or search keywords.

Closes the Service in the background

Direct service code: public class PushService extends Service { LocationManager locationManager; LocationListener locationL ... he problem here? and how to catch errors in the service on Android Studio? I am working with the services for the first time.

service does not start in ubuntu

I did it as it was in the tutorial on DigitalOcean ... rvice: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Upd: the service is working, but the app is not working , what could be the problem?