
Classic ASP server wheel ASP.NET?

I have a whole site made in Classic ASP and hosted on a provider. My client - who is a multinational-wants to put their webs ... bal support-and it is not guaranteed that it will run-that they will refuse to make the adjustments to run claiming anything.

Remote server/local server in PHP

One of the options to create a local web server is to use XAMPP (PHP, SQL). On a web server, do I have to install XAMPP (or any similar suite) as well or is it used only on local servers?

Remote access to MySQL database

I have a database within a corporate network on a local machine serving as a MySQL server. The network structure works like ... static IP"", and the machine marked"". Could someone help me how to get access to this Mysql server?

Why is this server crashing?

from socket import* Host = "localhost" Port = 255 sockobj = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) sockobj.bind((Host, Port)) sockob ... conexão.recv(1024) if not data:break conexão.close() Python simply hangs and does not print any error

What is the difference between vertical and horizontal scaling?

I have recently seen some topics about cloud, BD's , etc. In some of these subjects I see quite the term scaling. Given this ... the following doubts: What is the difference between vertical and horizontal scaling? are there other types of scaling?

How to host a laravel website on windows server?

The computer where I want to host the site developed in laravel is on another network. I put the whole site on the server and ... age took a long time to respond ? What is the correct procedure to host the laravel website on another machine ? Thank you.

INSTEAD OF (Deleted table)

I'm having trouble creating this trigger: CREATE TRIGGER TGmonitoraClientes ON TB_CLIENTES INSTEAD OF DELETE AS BEGIN UPD ... 4 The multi-part identifier " deleted.CODcliente " could not be associated. I am unable to use the deleted table, any ideas?

Refresh Page automatically?

I am with a website, and I do constant updates. But after these updates on the server, the site does not update alone on the ... s update to the server. If I don't press CTRL + F5 after making the change, my web site will continue with the green layout.

How to create an apache server on vivo internet? [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... 5 gives error 401 Unauthorized and 14330 appears msg "not implemented" when it opens in the browser, anyone know what to do ?

DDoS server attack [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... do something, better and avoid less inconvenience. Server is LINUX. And the company I work for is HostGator. Dedicated Pro.

Error Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 17

Every time I try to start Management Studio da this error: Cannot find one or more components. Please reinstall the applica ... e also installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell Isolated but the problem continues. Does anyone have any other solution?

How to check connection band of a server [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... termines the bandwidth available to a single customer in são paulo? Is there any tool that I can do this check? Thank you.

How to update a unity game

I have a game published on GooglePlay, that game only has one scene (menu), and the remaining game data is on my server. How ... , and this game data (compilation of the other scenes) stay in the same game that was downloaded from GooglePlay(menu scene)?

WampServer 2.1 does not open localhost, phpadmin does not even turn green

I installed wampserver 2.1 and since I can not open phpadmim nor my localhost, the installation was without messing with any configuration. Has anyone been through this?

How to host website on my pc [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... without success, error occurs when trying to access the external ip. Does anyone have any tips or tutorial teaching? Thanks.

Stored Procedure Com select SQL SERVER

Good night, I'm trying to create a stored procedure that will fetch one of the data in a select, the reason is because I have ... at returns is " Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'select itemcodigo from XX.dbo.items ' to data type int."

User name with open Excel file-VBA

Objectively : How is it possible to know, with VBA, what the name of the user who has an excel File Open, that file that is ... fic server, is opened by a user, and if so, what is the user name. Is it possible to do this in VBA? How to implement this?

Select in SQL Server with index

I would like to know if it is possible to make a select in Sql Server of a table that does not have an index column, but in t ... t: Indice Coluna 1 D 2 E 3 S Is it possible? Because I need to import data from one bank to another.

PHP Warning: PHP Startup :Unable to load dynamic library 'pdo' - php7.+++

Upon completion of PHP7 installation.++ I got the following error after performing all steps of SQL Server PDO driver configu ... t-br/sql/connect/php/installation-tutorial-linux-mac?view=sql-server-2017#installing-the-drivers-on-ubuntu-1604-1710-and-1804

Printing by VBS-Windows Server 2008 R2

Hello! I did an automatic print routine where a task I created in windows server 2008 R2 calls a VBS script, where in it an ... ng.FileSystemObject") objFSO.DeleteFile("C:\solicitacoes\*.*"), DeleteReadOnly Else MsgBox(oXMLHTTP.Status) End If