
Problems with PHP Session-continue a session

I am setting up a client's website and need to do login control. The user can log in normally and without error, but sending ... index_logated.php ' is as if the user has not logged in and I can not rescue the session data. Thank you for your help. Vlws!

How to develop with Cooldown with Express-Session

Hello, I am developing a feedback submission system. The person fills in some data, sends and saves in the database. However, ... ess', 'Muito obrigado pelo Feedback, é muito importante para mim!') return res.redirect('/feedback') }) })```

Make session expire after 5 minutes of inactivity

Hello, I'm lost in this logic, I'm using codeigniter, and I'm trying to expire the session after 5 minutes of inactivade (if ... ting like this, I have reviewed this code more than a thousand times, if you can help me by giving me a light, I am grateful.