
How can a WEB application that uses OAuth for authentication manage the user session?

Usually sessions are used to hold data from a given user after they have logged into the WEB application, and it is the WEB a ... types a WEB application that uses OAuth for authentication receives as OAuth server response when the user is authenticated?

How to avoid user logout when closing browser with PHP?

I currently use SESSION. When I close the browser, it disconnects. How can I make a way to login by clicking Continue logged in, the user does not log out after closing?

Record in the corded session of a Link and destroy another session to do site translation

How Can I make that by clicking on a flag it records in a session the data referring to your language Brazil = = > sa ... quivo?>?lng=spain"><img src="img/lang_es.png" width="28" height="16" alt="Image" data-retina="true"/></a>

Validate captcha before submitting Form

I need a very simple captcha, but that can be validated before the form is submitted, How can I do that? I currently use thi ... ION["palavra"]) { //... } But I don't know how to check if the captcha was filled correctly before submitting the form.

Laravel-Session and Array

I need to make create an array: array( 0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 1, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 1, ... the values according to each key of the array. How do I do that? I couldn't quite understand seeing laravel's documentation.

Session C# How does it work?

What is the Lifetime Of A Session in ASP.NET MVC, and how to find out find out the remaining time and how to add more time to the Session (if possible)? Is there another form of value guard that is more performant?

Where is a PHP session file stored?

I have read about files related to $_SESSION, but I would like to find them. Where are they stored?

Flash Session does not work, Laravel 5.1 [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... I can solve this with Session::set... and Session::pull.... But I'd like to know why I'm not able to grab the flash in view

Update all open tabs in the brownser of an aspnet mcv C application#

Hello. I am developing an application and wanted when a user logs in or logs in to update all the tabs that the application ... the SessionID of each session but every request a new SessionID is created. Gmail does what I want: Thank you right now.

Log out user when logging into another account [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... same IP, I use PHP session, if you can help me thank you very much!! For the user can log into as many accounts as he wants.

When and why use session start? [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... session"? → What does its use and non-use cause in a user authentication system? If possible, I would like an example MVCE

How to destroy a specific session?

Is this: I have an application / game that uses Sessions to memorize the data that users have chosen. Whenever the user rest ... "m" ["erro_2"]=> string(1) "w" ["erro_3"]=> string(1) "x" ["erro_4"]=> string(1) "z" ["erro_5"]=> string(1) "y" }

Problem with Session in CodeIgniter after putting site on new hosting

I have the following problem: when trying to perform login in some browsers or even on mobile (it does not occur in all, my ... . Additional The PHP version was in 7.3 on hostinger, I went back to 7.1 to see if it fixed, but nothing changed

What happens to a SESSION when it expires in PHP or is refreshed on the page?

What happens when the session time expires ? (This time is usually 24 minutes by default). Example: When logging in we set t ... e{ return false; } Or: session_start(); if($_SESSION["nome"]){ return true; } else{ return false; }

Display user name logged in with CodeIgniter

How do I display the user name logged into the system? The function that authenticates and creates the session is this: f ... session->set_userdata('aluno', $check); redirect('dashboard'); } else { redirect(''); } }

Bottle: accessing the same session on different canister devices

Hello, I am developing a project to study character and I am having a great inconvenience. I'm using: astroid = = 2.0.4 ... different device or even on a different browser create a new session instead of accessing the one that is already being used.

Why does the express session Return 'undefined'?

I'm having trouble recovering data from req.session. I have a sub-router that manages the main route and I use a middleware t ... efined, but any other access after the first must return the date that the client accessed by first time, in theory at least.

Laravel array Session overwriting

I'm trying to write the product data to a session in Laravel, but it overwrites the session. I have an array of products in v ... id]); } $cart = Session::get('cart'); return redirect('/product/category/3/carnes')->with('cart', $cart); }

Problems with session start () [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... suário para o formulário de login header( "Location:" , TRUE , 302 ); exit; } ?>

How to treat expired session within bootstrap modal 4.x?

I have a system where the user chooses a date and time for scheduling, I increased the session time because the user needs to ... o the home page. Is there a proper way to deal with this or will I have to check which window is being opened in the modal?