
PHP Template Engine

I have a fairly simple template engine in PHP: <?php define("PATH","http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/templater"); cl ... y grateful as I have been tormented by the search for several days, please do not offer smarty and other template engines...

If isset in the Twig template engine

Hello, please tell me, I started using the Twig template engine, but I don't understand how to convert such a record if (isse ... h']) && !empty($_GET['hash'])) { $hash = $_GET['hash']; } Tell me please. How to work with global variables in Twig.

Why (not)use a template engine?

The actual subject. I often get into conflict situations about this, which often end in copulation with the mother of someone ... r to the popularity of Smarty among layout designers is not rolls Ala's answer this de facto standard doesn't suit me either

Twig Template Engine (php)

Please tell me, I work with twig template.I pass the table rows as a variable in this form: ........................... while ... amp;gt;&lt;td&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt; <table></table> </div> Why is that?

Smarty template engine date output

Hello. There is a code that takes the date and time in unix format from the database and converts it to a normal date. Please ... ce:'September':'сентября'|replace:'October':'октября'|replace:'November':'ноября'|replace:'December':'декабря'%}</div>

How do I choose a template engine?

Not so long ago, I came across the fact that I needed a template engine. I've heard of smarty, but I don't like its ideology. ... know if there are any advantages to the different templates for specific situations. Or else only ideology plays a role here.