
Problem with connecting the Open Sans Extra-Bold font

Downloading a font from Google fonts http://www.google.com/webfonts#UsePlace:use/Collection:Open+Sans (I choose Cyrillic Exte ... ers with the correct unicode are there How do I connect this font so that the Russian characters are also displayed properly?

Where can I download TTF fonts for free? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... ing for the helvetica.ttf font, but so far I've only found it Helvetica_Cyrillic_Bold.ttf. And I need just plain, not greasy.

LaTeX, how to make such a font

The font is visible in the image, how do I do this?

Squares instead of Arcolinux (Arch) fonts)

In many programs (figma, discord,...) which I put from the snap-store instead of labels, squares are displayed. How to fix it? terminus-font is installed. Locale -a C en_US.utf8 POSIX ru_RU.utf8

Tell me, what is this font? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... Very interesting is the name of this font, which is in the image. The link itself: uplab.ru/i/logo.png

How do I remove the standard font before loading Google Fonts or get the event of their readiness?

There is a script that handles svg. Its purpose is to change the word and stretch it to the full height of the screen. But th ... ector("svg").setAttributeNS(null, "viewBox", `-2.5 0.2 16 ${text.getComputedTextLength()}`); //..................... });

I can't connect the Montserrat font to the project. What is the problem?

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <link ... ть выделяя от лого до конца элемента навигационного меню*/ margin: 0 auto; } .paragraph{ font-family: "Montserrat"; }

How do I download (rip out) a font from a Figma design?

Tell me how to download the font{[1] in the browser Figma]} The layout has text, but it has a different font, which is not available in Google Fonts I need to download it somehow, is it possible?

How to set a Russian font in GhostScript?

I make automatic text input to PDF. (The user writes his data in the Web form, and he should be sent a PDFNIK with this data, ... it like this: gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dBATCH -sOutputFile=out.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sPAPERSIZE=a4 text.ps shablon.pdf

Do I need to upload open-sans, sans-serif fonts to the site?

It will look like this font-family: open-sans, sans-serif; These fonts are pre-installed in the OS, so do I still need to ship them via @font-face?

Instead of Font-Awesome icons, squares with numbers are displayed

Hello! I ran into this problem: I connected Font-Awesome icons to the site, but instead of the icons themselves, squares of ... e connected correctly (all paths are correctly specified), what could be the problem and how to fix it? Thank you in advance!

Need help installing fonts

Here (http://htmlbook.ru/blog/svoi-shrift-na-stranitse) writes that to install the font, you just need to do this: ... to enter such a short code, although in fact this is not the case, because you need to configure all the formats over there

How to convert a font correctly?

I downloaded a web-shiroft with two typefaces Regular and Bold. There were only three extensions for each type.woff2, woff, t ... ut that in order to change the font style, I need to use two different fonts, rather than different fonts. How can I fix it?

How do I download a font from Google Fonts (cyrillic)?

I'm trying to load the Roboto font here. In theory, it supports Cyrillic, but I look in the Character Set-the font does not h ... ace the font at home. How or where is the character set of the Google Fonts font configured when downloading the collection?

Which solution is more correct and better for implementing the ruble sign?

I have 3 options: Font-awesome, well, everything is clear here: + the font will be cute, do not worry, - you can not change ... s will see something like this in the price: 123 56 9 And what is more correct? The "rub" and "r" options are not suggest...

How do I get a font from a. png file?

Please tell me how to pull a font from a png file? Or give a link. I would like to use my font in an android app. Example of an image with a font:

Valid @font-face entry

Spontaneously, the question arose whether there are any differences between these records: Stylus version: @font-face f ... AvanteRegular.woff2') format('woff2'); } Will there be problems connecting an alternative font when using the first option?

Is it possible to use css+html to make two-color font letters?

It is necessary to make two - (and, possibly, then three -) colored letters on the page, according to this principle: Ther ... if it is possible to do this using CSS and HTML (well, JavaScript can still help somehow, if the first ones are not enough)?

How to make a font icon from png

There is an image in PNG format: How do I create a font icon from it?

How do I insert a font in a word document?

I found a font on the internet that I want to use when writing text in a Word document. I can add this font to Windows. But, ... document to see the text in the correct form, without additional font installation in Windows. Is it possible? If so, how?