
How do I set my font?

My code import sys from PySide2.QtCore import (QCoreApplication, QMetaObject, QObject, QPoint, QRect, QSize, QUrl, Qt) f ... the font on this path or not. So I don't even know what the problem might be. Does anyone know the solution to this problem?

Segoe UI light Analogs

I found a good font from Microsoft - Segoe UI light. Alas, from tole generally paid, tole is simply allowed to be used only on vin. And I would like to put something similar on the site, but 'without restrictions'. Tell me?

Font and font family. How to understand where what is?

I understand that the font family (aka typeface) contains fonts. But how it all works in practice is unclear to me. For examp ... any different fonts, options for how Times New Roman is displayed. Or are these all variants of Times New Roman font styles?

Rstudio: Cyrillic alphabet is displayed incorrectly in the script

I downloaded a script containing the Cyrillic alphabet. When opening in Rstudio, there are incomprehensible characters instea ... астоты). hist(data, plot = TRUE, freq = TRUE, col = "darkviolet", ylab = "Частота", xlab = "Рнтервалы")

Install the calibri light font

@font-face { font-family: Calibri light; font-style: normal; src: url(calibri_light.woff); } p { font-family: ... ; Well, nothing at all, on the layout one thing on the site is different. I put all sorts of different syntaxes did not help

How to connect a CSS font to SVG

In the first image, the font is not tightened In the second image, what should the logo itself look like with the font appli ... x(1.3218 0 -0.2588 0.9659 573.8547 2211.6697)" class="st6 st4 st7">F</text> </g> </g> </svg>

How do I set a single Font-family for all elements on a page?

I tried to write body { font-family:'нужное'; }, but it doesn't work. On htmlbook it is written that font-family is inherited. But I'm not getting it right.

The font connected via CSS (@font-face) is not displayed when the file is opened locally

Help solve the font display problem. Font files are located in the project folder\fonts\Roboto\RobotoLight path At the root ... on localhost (the local server), the font is displayed. What could be the problem and how to solve it? Thank you very much!

Where can I format a ttf font to eot, woff, and svg formats?

There is a Cyrillic font in the format ttf. Where can I format it in eot, woff, and svg? On Webfont Generator when loading the font on the site, I get an error.

Segoe Script Regular Font Analogues

Guys, maybe who knows the analogs of the Segoe Script Regular font? Because it doesn't work in browsers. It worked in opera, but not in chrome. On a mobile browser, no. Not on safari. He's kind of weird. Please tell me similar fonts.

How do I display the Bebas Neue font in Safari on iOS?

The Bebas Neue font is not displayed on iOS and the text is shifted to the left. In browsers on Windows, Android, macOS works ... рный зал</li> <li>Групповые занятия</li> <li>Кардио-зона</li> </ul> </div>

Custom font in the Tilde html block

Need some help/advice. I need it in the site builder https://tilda.cc/ru/, in the html block (T123), use your custom font. He ... e using base64, but Tilde does not accept such code at all. Maybe there is a way to solve my problem? Thank you in advance.

Displaying the Myriad Pro font in Google Chrome

The layout uses the Myriad Pro font (font-family: 'Myriad Pro', sans-serif;), in Google Chrome, the labels made by it are dis ... with the display of this type of font, it was not displayed at all. Is it possible somehow fix the appearance of this font?

How to set italics for a telegram bot

Faced with the problem of not being able to add bold and italics in the messages of my bot. Actually, here is a piece of code ... starting with two pedals and ending with two pedals, then his message will become italicized, and the pedals will disappear.

I can't connect my font via @font-face

Hello everyone, I can't connect my font, I check in two browsers and not in one does not work. I threw the Font in the root f ... -repeat:repeat-y; background-color:#c5c5c5; background-position:50% 0; } What could be the problem? Thank you in advance!

Displaying Russian letters of the Myriad Pro font in Google Chrome

Strange bug found-zayuzal font Myriad Pro, 14px And I saw these miracles: How to overcome it? Doctype <!DOCTYPE html>, Google Chrome-latest version.

MIME for ttf and otf fonts

Until the tenth version of android, through the request SAF entered the type "application/octet-stream" and in principle ever ... intent.setType("application/*"); But nothing helps. In general, I ask for advice on how to be. Can who faced with such?

How to use variable fonts?

I learned about variable fonts, decided to try them out and make a simple input type= "range" that would change the boldness ... ="range" min="100" max="900" value="400"> <textarea cols="40" rows="2">Lorem ipsum</textarea> </div>

How to connect fontawesome to gulp?

I try to connect fontawesome to the gulp collector, but I have some problem with connecting fonts. Please tell me where I mak ... dress contains "webfonts", this path is specified in one of the scss files, i.e. for some reason I do not connect the font.

The font doesn't load from google site

Hello, I need a non-standard font on Blogger. I uploaded the font to googlesite - but the problem is that the fonts work only when I am in this account, and if I log out of it, the fonts do not load, what could be the problem?