
SimpleDateFormat format different results

Different value when formatting a date to a string on different machines. Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); SimpleDat ... _162" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_162-b12) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.162-b12, mixed mode)

DateFormat in Java

String a= "22-Серпня-2015 22:25:36 "; Locale loc_ukr = new Locale("uk", "UA"); DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-M ... Date date = format.parse(a); System.out.print(date); How do I display the date so that the console displays in Ukrainian?

Get the current android time and date

In the application, you need to display the date and time in two separate textviews. I have already tried everything I could ... ork by interfering. If someone has encountered similar problems or knows how to solve mine, I will be grateful for your help.

Convert date from one format to another

I'm making an Android app that uses Nasa's Apoid API. For this, the user enters a date, and when clicking on the button, a ph ... converted and being saved as String in the variable queryString. And if there is something wrong, what would be the mistake.

How to treat different date formats?

I have an application that at some point I retrieve the date obtained from the system, I save it in a table in the database ( ... 2468][048]|[3579][26])00)$"; How would I get a pattern for these dates? For example, the output will always be dd/MM/yyyy.

Android - How to create a comparison so that LISTVIEW items are displayed or not according to the date?

I'm creating an app that will show pharmacies open on a certain date: I created a listview with 10 rows (the pharmacies)... ... public interface OnFarmaciaItemClickListener { void onFarmaciaItemClick(@NonNull TELA001.Farmacia item); } }

Print current month and next two months

I'm taking the current month in number and I need to increment it two more months ahead, in addition to using the current mon ... DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM", local); axisData[i] = dateFormat.format(mes + i).toUpperCase(); }

Convert String to Date from YYYY-mm-dd format to dd-mm-YYYY

I made an endpoint in Java that contains the date information. The date is received as a string in the format 'YYYY-mm-dd'. I ... ; Boolean resposta = sofvdnrf.getNotaFiscalDataCnpj(numeroNotaFiscal, cnpj, dataConvertida); return resposta; }