
How to make a new list of new elements go in order as new elements are found

How to make a new list of new elements go in order as new elements are found This code outputs a list of new items in a diff ... It is necessary that the list is always displayed in such order as new the items are in the original list Yellow, gray

Pointer to pointer - what is it?

I often see this construction: int ** p; I understand that this is a pointer to a pointer. Why is such duality necessary and where is it applied?

Differences between [] and * [C]

Despite the fact that I have been working with C for quite some time, I did not pay attention to the possible differences bet ... pointers to a memory area. Example: char * _item1; char _item2[]; Is there a significant difference between these methods?

I can't figure out what this syntactic construct is?

s = (X_train.dtypes == 'object') From this, I only understand that X_train.dtypes is an object of the Series type. Something ... s correspondence is written in s. Question: What is this syntactic construction? Tell me the name, I'll at least Google it.

Do all SQL databases support the SQL language syntax?

Are the access commands different from different ones?SQL (MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle)? I just need to learn how to work in a database based on MS SQL using Java, and there is very little material on this topic...

Double and single quotes

I didn't find the answer in the Internet: why in Java are double quotes used only for strings , and single quotes only for characters? What is the profit?

What does the "^" operator do in Python?

How can I find out about the purpose of the "^ " operator?

Error lvalue required as left operand of assignment

There are three (independent) lines of code: 1) *a++ = 5; 2) *(a++) = 5; 3) (*a)++ = 5; The first and second lines work th ... the first two lines of code and the third, as well as what is the operand for the postfix increment (pointer or lined area).

Please explain to me why you should always put {and}

Hello, I don't understand why everyone says that you should always use { and } Here is for example the code: if(1>2) { ... n: if ($a === $b) { bar(); } elseif ($a > $b) { $foo->bar($arg1); } else { BazClass::bar($arg2, $arg3); }

header("Location:... - how is it correct?

It's a bit of a strange question, but I'm asking because I want to know and understand. What is the difference between such r ... d"); header("Location: /user.php?uid=$uid"); header("Location:user.php?uid=$uid"); header("Location: user.php?uid=$uid");

Notepad++: add additional highlighting logic to existing styles (Javascript)

Please tell me how to add processing of additional constructs to the existing style (Javascript) in Notepad In the network, ... tyle from C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\APIs also did not work - an error is issued, and in javascript.xml keywords only

Why are const and goto not used in java?

Let's talk about two reserved but unused Java keywords - const and goto. Why aren't they used? As I understand it, const can be replaced with public static final, but what about goto?

Will there be problems if you don't use semicolons in javascript?

I would be happy for an example if the answer to my question is positive. At the moment, I have not seen a single use case of this sign where it could not simply be omitted. The interpreter also never gave an error due to the absence of a semicolon.

How to run a command in Python 3 when trying and in except to output an error and continue executing the program

How to execute a command in Python 3 when trying, and in except to output an error and continue executing the program Exampl ... rror = 'ошибка номер ....' print("ошибка с текстом, строка, линия и т.п. тип ошибки(что пишет компилятор): "+str(error))