
Convert text to speech and save to a variable

I'm trying text-to-speech in python. I used the option via pyttsx3 and via the win api win32com.client.Dispatch("SAPI.SpVoice ... k with it. And the condition is that you need to use the synthesizer of the PC itself (libraries like GTTs are not suitable).

Python. Voice-over of the text in Russian

I wrote a code for a timer with voice-over of every second on python, here is the code import time for i in (list(range(11))[ ... .5) I don't like the fact that the voice is iron and the speech is English can I make the voice acting Russian and smoother?

Russian Russian text-to-speech synthesis on Pyttsx3 (also in Russian)?

I came across a video(at 2: 40) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeS755SPSI8 and decided to repeat, but it didn't work out. I ... rectly. How do I eventually use Pyttsx3 to convert text in Russian to speech, or are there other libraries designed for this?