
What are the risks of using 777 permission?

Always when I have folder permissions issue on my Ubuntu OS, I usually give the 777 permission for the particular folder. I u ... older. Is that true? It would be nice too if the answer could explain better about the differences between 644, 755 and 777.

Why in filenames and folders, some characters are not yet accepted?

Why don't files and folders still accept a few different characters? I believe it must have some programmatic influence to ... that this question is more about the history of creation (so it has a little to do with programming) of systems operational.

File permission on Linux

Hello, my doubt is not exactly about programming issues, but about Linux and its file access permissions. Recently, I had t ... the linux system files. In the meantime, I can't find nowhere specifying this. Would anyone know how to tell me that? Thanks.

Retrieve volume name from networked mapped disk drive

I am using DriveInfo.GetDrivers() to take the names of the disk drives present on the machine and list them in a TreeView. I ... layed like this: The problem is that in this medium ai has pendrive connected, network HD and CD-Rom disk in the middle.

Where to store profile pictures that the user uploaded?

I have a JAVA application that needs to store profile images that the user uploaded. //no meu LOCALHOST eu uso esse caminho ... user uploaded will be overwritten. I read about saving files in mySql, is it a good practice? Thank you for your attention.

What are file and directory descriptors?

I am studying the módulo os of the standard library of Python and I notice that in many cases a function is allowed to receiv ... os.chdir in os.supports_fd My doubts are: what is a descritor de arquivo? what is a descritor de diretório aberto?

How to read folder and subfolder files?

I have a function to read the files from the folder, and it is not working. I need a functional function that reads the file ... rquivos = diretorio.GetFiles("*.xml; *xlsx;"); string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(fbd.SelectedPath);

How to delete files and folders recursively safely with Python?

Guys, I'm trying to create a script to delete my files and folders safely, just like shred does, srm , etc...but I would lik ... rsively in a directory for all files and not by opening a specific file or passing it as an argument. Anyone have any ideas?

Is semicolon (;) allowed in filenames?

Is the character "; " allowed in the filename? In windows you can use the character" ; " in the naming of files without any p ... ched about file naming, and found several topics talking about other characters, however, I found nothing talking about " ;".

Is it possible to open the file for writing and at the same time open for reading without first closing in C?

Is not a good programming practice? void leitura(FILE *arq) { if((arq = fopen("dificuldade.txt","r")) == NULL) printf( ... pois tenho que fechar o arquivo... ? } fclose(arq); } } main() { FILE *arq; impressao(arq); return 0; }

How to get the default operating system temporary directory in PHP?

In PHP, is there any way [or some function that has the purpose] to get the directory where temporary files are saved in a ce ... not exist, it returns a file name along with the temporary folder. But I want to know how to get only the temporary folder.