
How can I enter priority and frequency in the links of the sitemap map built with Yoast SEO?

There is a website on Wordpress with the SEO plugin Yoast SEO installed. I am interested in the sitemap map. At the moment, t ... freq>">http://wp-credit7-ua.test/<changefreq>weekly</changefreq></a> How can this issue be resolved?

Generating sitemaps in Django

I did the generation of sitemaps according to this guide, but the site is large, and the map is generated very long, more t ... esult to a file (sitemap.xml), and not to give on request? And the search engine will already take it directly from the file.

Is it necessary to make a sitemap for a large site?

There is a large forum. Useful links look like this: There are about 43 th ... o do this? a sitemap or search bot Yandex/google handle this ? In robots.txt I have banned all technical links. CNC no links

generating a sitemap for a news site

New to seo, please tell me, there is a website, it has a frequently updated feed of articles, each article has a url like: са ... u/detail?id=134 etc. How do I add all this to the sitemap? Add each such url constantly, or is it enough to specify /detail ?

Errors when generating a sitemap in Bitrix

Bitrix has set up automatic sitemap generation. But at some point, such halyards begin to be generated .p.part2art1.xml and t ... paces Or there are gaps in the files in the form of spaces. Maybe someone has encountered this, because of what this can be ?

Bitrix: automatic site map creation (agent)

One of the options in Bitrix-1C is Google Sitemap. How do I create an agent that will create this sitemap automatically? There is, in view, that there to register, there it is necessary to register the code of some function...

Django. Generating an html sitemap

The xml sitemap was generated according to this guide, however, there is no indication of creating an html sitemap. Does django have such a generation mechanism for html?

Index site page as topics in google [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... o website development in SEO Not the name of this technique, it looks like it's onebox or something similar Please help me!