
Declaring Smarty variables

Please tell me how to declare a variable and assign a value to it in the *.tpl file itself. I need something like that: {if ($data.rating >= 600)} {$a='Подходит!'} {/if}

How to fix-PHP Warning: Division by zero?

In game server management (SourceBans++ 1.6.3) there is such an error (more precisely, in the logs of the subdomain on which ... ("\$smarty_math_result = " . $equation . ";"); Here is the full link code Can this be fixed?

Smarty template engine date output

Hello. There is a code that takes the date and time in unix format from the database and converts it to a normal date. Please ... ce:'September':'сентября'|replace:'October':'октября'|replace:'November':'ноября'|replace:'December':'декабря'%}</div>

Transfer php code to the Smarty template engine

There is a php code that needs to be output to smarty, please tell me how to do it, here is the code: <opt ... >$marka</option>"; } } If you do this, then just $mark is passed and not the values from the database