
Why does smtplib not work with all emails?

import smtplib EMAIL = '[email protected]' PASS_EMAIL = '**********' email = "[email protected]" smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('smtp. ... ach. I.e., if I try to send an email to other email services via gmail, it does not reach them (even in spam). How to fix it?

How do I make sure that if I enter my username and password incorrectly, it says "Invalid username or password"?

This is python Here is the code: import smtplib def check(): user = input("Login: ") password = input("Password: " ... _SSL(url, 465) server.login(user, password) def main(): check() if __name__ == "__main__": main() Thanks!

Sending emails via SmtpLib Python

Let's say there is a code: mail = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) mail.ehlo() mail.starttls() mail.login('example@gmail. ... [email protected]','Message Text') mail.close() The question is: how do I add a title to this email without using MIMETEXT?