
php, soap, SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL

I have this code try{ $SoapClientOCR = new SoapClient ( " ... ork In php ini, I have included extension=php_openssl.dll extension=php_curl.dll extension=php_xmlrpc.dll All the same error

How to calculate the Content-Length for the POST request header in PHP CURL?

To integrate with the OptiCore Warehouse-Cloud service, you need to execute a POST request ClientOrder_CreateUpdate with XML ... ue to the fact that this value is calculated by it automatically, but how to do it in PHP???


Hello! Until now, I didn't have to send parameters over SOAP. Now there is a need to form such a parameter structure: <wsL ... execution, it writes that the username is not correct. I assume that the request is a curve. Please tell me which way to dig?

Deserialization of the XML response from SOAP

There is a third-party SOAP service. which returns the response as XML <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas. ... ributeName = "SOAP-ENC", Namespace = "")] public string SOAPENC { get; set; } } }

What is SOAP?

Please explain in simple words what SOAP is, what it is for, and, if possible, a couple of examples of use.

Interaction with the API of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

There are problems with the tax service API. They use SOAP or something similar, the brains are not enough to understand, in ... a lot of forums and in my head a wild mess. Please tell me, maybe someone knows what, at least a small code example. Thanks.

WSDL how do I describe a tag that has both an attribute and a string value?

You can describe such a structure: <element name="One" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <complexType> <seque ... ttr="строка 3">строка 4</Two> </One> ??? P.S. And what data structure will I need to feed to the soap server?

Get from the camera what happened to the movement using the onvif protocol

There is an unnamed Chinese camera with a broken web interface (not a good firmware). But the onvif port works gives the xml ... at there is no description of the metadata. If the ability to subscribe to traffic events on camera using the onvif protocol?

How do I integrate my site with GIS utilities via the API?

I make a website for a management company. The customer asked to integrate with the GIS of housing and communal services Abso ... any guides, etc. I found only incomprehensible documentation (mb is not clear only to me). Wordpress site

Send SOAP WSDL via PHP and get a response

Good afternoon. Tell me. Server at: I need to send a SOAP request: <x:Envelope xmlns ... y examples of how this might work in my case? Hands if you send a request, everything works, but you need to do it using php

How do I get information about a purchase by its number from the public procurement website?

The task is to get information from the site about the purchase by number. Judging by what Google sa ... urchase by its number? And they should download everything from ftp? Maybe I missed something? Maybe there is still some API?

A Java chat that displays new messages on the page in replica time

Why is that? I just learn from problems like this. In general. One user instantly receives messages from another, and withou ... w to implement receiving messages without updating the web page and where to upload the messages (to a table or otherwise...)

Error 415 Unsupported Media Type when sending a request to the SOAP service

What should I add to the query to solve this problem? public String sendRequest() throws Exception{ StringBuilder build ... tream os = con.getOutputStream(); os.write(request.getBytes()); os.flush(); os.close(); }

Creating a SOAP service based on wsdl

I have a file wsdl yandex speller how do I upgrade my soap service based on this wsdl? Through which library? I tried using ... ne, but I didn't find exactly how to create a service based on my wsdl there is only the creation of a separate Soap service.

1C Soap Web Service

You need to run a project where there is 1C on the PostgreSQL DBMS in the northern part, and there must be a client, mobile A ... h to PostgreSQL, for example pgConnect Php, and pull data from there, and then give this data in response to an HTTP request?

Example of a SOAP request in Python?

There are SOAP requests of the following type: <?xml version="1.0"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://sch ... Port/wsdl Share an example of how you can implement such a request using Python? Or a link to any materials on this issue?

How to work with a SOAP web service from Java?

Remove from information about the coun ... h things. Tell me how this is done... or what to Google to understand how and how it is done in Java? Thank you in advance.

How to install a java 11 web service running on soap on tomcat 9 without pain and suffering?

I wrote a service-a web client running on soap, I wrote it on the 11th Java. At first, I couldn't find the right library for ... didn't change the names: I am no longer sure that this is the right way, and it is also quite tedious and time-consuming.

Java Web Service soap with objects

Hello, I am learning to use web-services and I stopped with a problem, maybe it is something silly, but I did not find a solu ... learning the concepts, the goal is that in the application I can access with a client in C#. I thank you for your attention.

Is SOAP safer than REST?

When implementing online billing software, I asked the responsible company if the rest version of the API existed. The answe ... ulates financial information. Would that be true information? If so, in what context is SOAP safer than REST and vice versa?