
ng-click event on angular

I'm studying the Angular js framework. Using the directive ng-click - I want to get the event object (which was clicked on) I ... } } }); <input type="text" class="for-open-in53" placeholder="Укажите специализацию" ng-click="show($event)">

Sending an email with an attachment

I'm trying to send a message from Bitrix about an event. The content of the message is the content of the information block. ... is way? Infoblock - feedback form, each letter is an element of the infoblock. In the elements, the files are saved normally.

Tag content change event

Is there an event in JavaScript that occurs when the tag content changes? For example, when changing the content of <div></div>

Registering event handlers in JavaScript when iterating through document elements

This question is not a duplicate, as it affects not only closures, but also other common errors in JS, as well as their elimi ... </body> </html> Answer: The easiest and fastest way to declare all variables is with let instead of var.

backbone view events

I started getting acquainted with backbone with the book " Developing Backbone.js Applications" Addy Osmani. There is an exam ... add':'addBook' }, Doesn't work? Although the delete event was created in a similar way for book, it it works perfectly.

Custom function instead of ButtonClick

C++ Builder 2006. There is an Access database connected to Builder C++ via ADOConnection, ADOTable, and DataSource. You need ... икле такое: Btn[i]->OnClick = showAbout(i); But this gives an error [C++ Error] Unit2.cpp(73): E2109 Not an allowed type

e. target behavior and click

There is such a code $(document).on('click', function(e){ if(e.target !== '.profile-full' || e.target !== '.previe ... clicking on preview--more hides the block I need, although it shouldn't, because the click is just the same on preview--more

VK Observer - Which widget was clicked?

Hello! There is a page with a large number of VK widgets "I like". Each widget has its own "page_id" and "page_url". Their c ... I find out using what the widget was liked. Well, or somehow find out at least the id of the block where the like was placed.

How to use the afterSave event in Yii2?

How do I use the afterSave event? I write in the model, but it is not called when saving data to the database. public func ... $model2 = new Tablename(); $model2->user_id = $this->user_id; return $model2->save(); } }

Beeline Cloud PBX-API does not work Xsi-Events

Call events Xsi-Events in the Beeline cloud PBX do not work. Subscribe to events: PUT https://cloudpbx.beeline.ru/apis/port ... omes, it starts returning an error instead of the subscription data. Tech. Beeline support for this product cannot be found.