
Combine two functions into one

There are two functions that are called when you click on the buttons, these functions work as they should. You need to make ... t have en - it no longer works here. How can these two functions be made one and the same? hang on the input{[1] event]}

Why is the click event triggered automatically? JS

Faced with such a problem: When you assign an event click to an element when you open a web page, this same click is triggere ... will be triggered anywhere on the screen and call the corresponding function. What is the problem, and how can it be solved?

Selecting the value of the select element, via jquery

I know how to get the value of the selected element. The problem is with which event to catch the selection of the element. I ... ed. If you use change(), then on the contrary, the first element can not be selected in any way. Are there any other options?

Working with event Action, unsubscribing from the event

public event Action<GameObject> SelectCallbackMethods; void Start() { SelectCallbackMethods += (obj) => Charact ... += handler; } void OnMouseUp() { SelectCallbackMethods.Invoke(this.gameObject); SelectCallbackMethods -= handler; }

No events are generated in Vue

There is a js file that is compiled using Laravel Mix. It previously had 2 components, after which there was a need to regist ... ntion to the fact that the previous 2 components work quite correctly. As long as there were no reassembles, the events work.

How to define a css event

Good time of the day there is a situation that it is necessary to determine whether an event has occurred this event takes pl ... ent-ok').css('display','block')(function(e) { alert(ok); }); It is clear that nothing is happening why don't you tell me ?

Delegating JS

I'm learning pure JavaScript. I have three buttons that are wrapped in a div. You need to make one handler for these buttons ... should make an alert with the innerHTML content when clicked. Interesting performance using the new standard ES6 and higher.

How to delete a row from a DataGrid and delete it from a SQL database

At the expense of questions similar to StackOverflow. They are indeed similar, but there is no exact answer to the question, ... 40"/> </Grid> How do I implement deletion when clicking on the "Delete" button using the SelectionChanged event

How UnityAction: event System works.Action

Found in Unity Docs: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Events.UnityAction.html It seems to have realized that it can ... But I didn't fully understand how it works, and whether it can do anything else. These are: event System.Action Delegates

How do I display events by day, starting from today?

I have a database with these fields: id - id, title - title, startdate - start of the event, enddate - end of the event ... ent), this is the event should also be output. A search on this site and on others yielded nothing. I would be very grateful.

Enter words in input in English or Russian, depending on the condition

There is a input. If the value is div===RU, then you can enter any words in Russian(lowercase and uppercase), including space ... едите название города" name="city"> <button class='find'>find</button> <div class='lang'>Ru</div>

How do I drop an object from the form window to the outside?

How do I drop an object from the form window outside of all the windows of my program? For example, on the desktop or somew ... the mouse (global) at the time of releasing the button. I need to open a new window in this place (with the dropped content).

Event and delegate: what is the difference?

In order to better understand, I wanted to know the difference between event and delegate and also the use of the += and -= operators for methods in C#

Event-oriented programming

I'm trying to transfer the server part to use for my project node.js. There was a problem that I can't solve - I don't unders ... h a construction - return data from the socket, which in turn should return the response to the request to the node server.js

Processing the Ok button on the virtual keyboard

I need to press the Ok button on the virtual keyboard to trigger the check(View v) event and the keyboard does NOT close. How can this be done?

Modx Gallery Upload Event

Hello everyone There is a website on modx. I use the Gallery and PhpThumbOn plugins. I want to connect webp images to the sit ... r which event should I use if it's already built in? I didn't find anything about Events in the gallery documentation Thanks!

Incorrect sequence of text output to the console with Event-transitionstart and transitionend, js

I haven't been able to solve one problem with my code for some time. I am making an application on cordova, and I, in the cod ... he page): let obj = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('animate')); obj.animate({ left: obj.left, right: obj.right });

How do I iterate through a collection of elements? [duplicate]

This question is already answered here: ... ssign each element its own addEventListener. But I still didn't understand how to make such a cycle correctly. Please tell me

Javascript jQuery.change(); event. on Input[type= " file"]

Here is an example of a simple code <input type="file" name="file" id="input"> <button id="click">CLICK</butt ... } } } ); } ); } }

How to catch the.change event when programmatically changing the value of an element

The form has an element <input>, and next to it a bootstrap dropdown button, which writes values to this input when cli ... [0]; input.value = this.hash.substr(1); }); $('input').on('change', function() { alert(); }) </script>