
The Liskov substitution principle

Principle, describes 3 rules: Prerequisites cannot be reinforced in a subclass. By others in other words, subclasses sh ... 0-ok classes implements this interface => they can implement different behavior, since there is no initial implementation.

Breaking cyclic dependencies using the Dependency inversion Principle

In Robert Martin's book "Pure Architecture" it is written: There are two methods to break the cyclic dependency: Apply the ... , i.e. Authorizer, which needs Entities inside, and nothing will change, the problem will not go away, what am I wrong about?

Does the factory design pattern contradict the second law of SOLID principles

In a dense approach to the use of templates in design, I came across a contradiction between the factory template and the 2 l ... king for values, catching errors(try {} catch () {}), and automatically connecting classes :) thank you for finishing reading

I can't understand the Single Responsibility Principle)

In theory, everything is clear, but in practice there are always difficulties. They are related to the fact that it is not cl ... eads it from there and updates it. Maybe it's better to create 3 classes: DataBaseWriter, DataBaseReader and DataBaseUpdater?

What is the principle of openness and closeness?

I study SOLID principles. Tell me an example that clearly illustrates this principle, mentally I understand that the class sh ... but I do not understand this point: I just do not understand if the class is closed from changes, then how it can be extended

Problem with polymorphism

I have a problem with polymorphism. But before I explain it, I want to make it clear that I am learning a lot yet, if you wan ... ow. If they have a suggestion on top of this project it would also be interesting. Thank you for the analysis, Robson Faxes.

Can a Repository extend a Model?

If the Repository extends the User Model, am I breaking some of the principles of S. O. L. I. D? I saw in some tutorials spe ... Model implements UserRepository { public function add(array $data) { return $this->create($data); } }

Solidworks PDM API-IEdmBomView.GetRows does not return the same items to the good that are in the PDM

I have a routine in C # that exports the good, but when I validated, the 2 items marked in the image are not returned by the ... Items are normal in Solidworks. And when I export the bill of materials to Excel by PDM the 2 items are exported normally.

SOLID is that all they say?

Related: What are SOLID principles? I ordered my "Principles, Standards and agile practices in C#" from Robert C. Martin an ... assessment as possible of the applicability of these principles, and whether they bring all the benefits that boasts of them.