
How to split by the '\'character in js

I'm trying to split a string by the character \, it doesn't work, I tried \\ the same thing, just the whole string is returne ... Who knows how to do it? Maybe with regulars somehow? let a = "ABC\EG\SSDF\NSDFSD\SDFSDF".split("\\"); console.log(a);

How to split a string into C++ words (Arduino)

At the input, we must give "test=qwerty" we need to divide by = For example, split ("test=qwerty","=") the output should be ... i]; if ( text[i] == del ) { arr[count] = step_text; count++; step_text = ""; } } return arr; }

The square root of a number written in a text file

You need to create a program that will read a number from a file and calculate the root of that number and write the result t ... nt); Console.ReadKey(); } If you write the number 9 in a text file, the result is 8 instead of 3

The.split method doesn't work()

var inp = document.getElementById('inp'); function digi(){ var n = inp.value; var digit = parseInt(n, 2); var modified = Stri ... ied to write the number directly to the function parameter instead of writing the value to the variable n, but it didn't help

Help with Split With#

I have a long string that has newline transitions, question marks, exclamation marks, dots. I need to get an array of strings ... lestie, orci 5-Ut aliquam nulla tristique nec? 6-Nec bibendum tortor sodales! Thank you all very much! All answers worker:)

Using the split method of the String class in Java

At the moment, I am studying Input-Output from books. The task is to get 2 numeric values from the keyboard input stream, whi ... } } catch(IOException exc) { System.out.print("Ошибка ввода вывода"); } } }

Java. String. split (Regex) String Parsing

A string is given to be parsed into its component parts String line = "param1 param2 'param3 param3 param3' param4"; String[ ... ession, please help me. Here is my option, but it does not work as it should: String[] params = line.split("[\\s(^'.'$)]");

Split a string in Pascal

There is a string S and an array of strings: var S: string; words: array of string; begin ReadLn(S); words := S.Spli ... xt: [dcc32 Error] Unit1.pas(68): E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'Split' that can be called with these arguments

Java class delimiter

Hello everyone. I started learning Java relatively recently. And there are some difficulties. Here are the conditions of the ... eelllo aaaaaabb"); Sentences st = new Sentences("hhhhheeelllo aaaaaabb"); //st.showWord(); } }

Ruby, split method strange arguments with a question mark

Optional info: I've been studying the Ruby programming language for a week and a half now. As a small practice, I solve prob ... he documentation https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.5.1/String.html#method-i-split I didn't find an answer or translated it poorly.

String Split for SQL server 2014

Given: contact information. In some places in the site field, instead of a single value, there are several with separators of ... ELSE BEGIN SET @individual = @products SET @products = NULL SELECT @individual END END

A suggestion is entered from the console. Determine whether the author made a mistake in writing " Zhi / Shi write with the letter and"

import java.util.Scanner; public class Task10 { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new ... at Task10.main(Task10.java:22) is the string System. out. println(words[i]); What does this mean? What need to fix it?

Function.split() bugging string output in python2, how to solve?

Hello, I am new to Python and my doubt may be obvious, but I would like to better understand how string manipulation works; I ... sible, a solution to this problem. I confess that I have tried a lot of things and have not solved yet. It was worth it guys.

How to add a character in a string, which is already split, to each n characters?

I need to know how to separate, in line breaks, a string Every N characters. However, before separating Every N characters, t ... For example, a separation every 6 characters: Input: teste,testando,outro teste Output: teste testan do outro teste

How to Split in Javascript using multiple separators and without removing them?

I have the following code in JavaScript: if (v.includes("'!'")) var separators = ["\\\''", '\\\&', '\\ ... g removed from the resulting array. Ex: "Teste1 & Teste2 # Teste3" -> 1:Teste1 2:& 3:Teste3 4:# 5:Teste3

split does not return arrangement with string elements

I'm having trouble using the split method, which is not returning me the array with the string elements. public class Teste{ ... length); System.out.println("string: " + s); } } My output is being: Array size: 0 string: 0.101110

What is the difference between string.split(',') and string.rsplit ( ' ,') in python?

When using these lines in the python terminal, I couldn't find any difference between any of them. I researched but found not ... at least in Portuguese. What would be the difference between them ? x = 'apple, banana, cherry' x.split(',') x.rsplit(',')

implementation of Split() in C++

Was looking for a way to implement the function .split () from C # in C++ and found the following code on google: std::vect ... I couldn't understand How it does that. Could someone explain to me in detail how this snippet of code works? Thanks a lot.

How to separate a string by commas, except when you have a space after

I have a string and need to separate it into a array . However, the separator character needs to be the comma (,), but if it ... succeeding. Example of what I want: string = "1,0,true,Yes, please"; I need: array = ["1","0","true","Yes, please"]

How to get the first word of a text in Python?

frase = str("Eu como abacaxi").split() How do I show only the first word of the sentence ("I" in the case)?