
Spring Data and DB transaction isolation levels conflict

In the spring date, when using the @Transactional annotation, it is possible to change the transaction isolation level: Read ... these layers? For example, at the base level, there is a repeatable read, and spring date uses a less strict read committed.

Dynamic queries in Spring Data JPA

How can I implement dynamic queries in Spring Data JPA ? For example, there is a huge filter and not the fact that some field will not be null. Any ideas ? Thank you.

Using the JPA repository

Last Saturday I presented my CBT in college and saw that I need to improve the project presented. The system receives invoice ... my classes implemented as a repository extend it? And work together with service? Would they have any example code or link?

Help with Spring jdbcTemplate

I created a Class: package com.market.config; import javax.activation.DataSource; import org.springframework.cont ... .datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://${MYSQL_HOST:localhost}:3306/market spring.datasource.username=root spring.datasource.password=

Is it possible to create a Java superclass for basic CRUD functions using spring framework?

When working recently on a project, I noticed that we have several classes with basic CRUD functions and that repeat themselv ... return clienteDAO.findAll(); } public Cliente buscarPorId(String id){ return clienteDAO.findById(id).orElse(null); } }

How to fetch the lowest price on an entity with Spring Data JPA on a JPARepository? (keywords or JPQL)

I have the following entity in java using spring: public class ItemVendedor implements Serializable{ private static fi ... .math.BigDecimal cannot be cast to com.eclodir.voucomprei.model.entity.ItemVendedor", How to find the lowest price product?

LocalDateTime in advance two hours when submitting Form

When I'm going to submit a form with the Class LocalDateTime managing the time and date fields, it takes two hours. I found ... .getHorarioEntrega() != null ? venda.getHorarioEntrega() : LocalTime.now())); } vendas.save(venda); } }