
JPA entity generating column with dual name ID municipio ID municipio

I have an entity called districts that contains a relationship with the municipalities table. When I generate the database th ... & !this.idMunicipio.equals(other.idMunicipio))) { return false; } return true; } }

Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource

Good Night, I have an application using Spring boot 1.5.10. I am trying to perform the connection with the oracle database, ... g-beans- 4.3.14.RELEASE.jar:4.3.14.RELEASE] at (...) Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javassist/bytecode/ClassFile

How to fetch the lowest price on an entity with Spring Data JPA on a JPARepository? (keywords or JPQL)

I have the following entity in java using spring: public class ItemVendedor implements Serializable{ private static fi ... .math.BigDecimal cannot be cast to com.eclodir.voucomprei.model.entity.ItemVendedor", How to find the lowest price product?

LocalDateTime in advance two hours when submitting Form

When I'm going to submit a form with the Class LocalDateTime managing the time and date fields, it takes two hours. I found ... .getHorarioEntrega() != null ? venda.getHorarioEntrega() : LocalTime.now())); } vendas.save(venda); } }