
Problems running program in Tkinter in IDE spyder

I'm writing code in python (3.7) using the Tkinter library, I'm also using the Spyder (py-3) | Anaconda (3) IDE to write the ... 00, y = 57) ed2_senha.place(x = 100, y = 107) bt1.place(x = 20, y = 150) bt2.place(x = 0, y = 225) tela_login()

Import PySimpleGUI in Visual Code

I'm having an error when I use PySimpleGUI import PySimpleGUI as sg ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PySimple ... can also use the random model. PS: I don't like Spyder very much and my computer crashes when I simultaneously open the two

important package in Spyder, Python

I'm starting to learn python. So the first thing I did was install python, in this case ubuntu 16.04 LTS, already Q in this s ... py as np a = np.array([1, 2, 3]) print(type(a)) Could anyone please help me with this problem ? Thank you right now.