
What gives the rel attribute value equal to bookmark?

What really gives rel=bookmark? For example, if you write the link link. According to the description of the html5 specification, I did not understand what it would be?

Java. Why can't I change the object reference in the method?

My teacher asked me to answer a number of questions. And two of them are very confusing to me. Why can't I change the o ... zed that by is always by value but I didn't understand exactly what it means. Could you help me figure this out? situations.

Why do I need to dereference this when returning a class object reference? C++

Why do I need to dereference this when returning a class object reference ? Example: class Point { private: int x; i ... we return *this After all, a link stores an address, just like a pointer, but then why do we dereference the this pointer ?

Function parameter in c++

void f(int i) {} -- this function expects to get one int parameter and returns nothing. void f(int *i){} -- this one is waiting for a pointer, I understand. void f(int &i){} -- what does this function expect at the input?