
References to PHP objects

I used references to objects in my code, passed them to functions, i.e. <?php IniModule(&$site,'register'); ?> W ... nce has been removed". It means that the links are outdated. Why? How to replace it? Is it possible to transmit the object?

How do I compare the beginning of a link with a regular expression?

Hello there! The task is this: You need to compare the link contained in $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] with the template, in the t ... iliar with regular expressions, the problem is created! Tell me how to correctly compose an expression for my goal! Thanks!

When you click on a link to a php file, it is downloaded, and does not go to another page of the site

When you click on a link to a php file, it is downloaded, and does not go to another page of the site. There is such a code: ... ex.php , although in theory it should go to the main page of the site. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it?

What is the meaning of std::forward when passing parameters?

What is the difference between the following two ways of passing parameters? template <typename ...Args> smth(Args &am ... (args...) {} template <typename ...Args> smth(Args &&...args) : base(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}

What is the difference between references and pointers in C++

What is the fundamental difference between a reference and a pointer in C++? When is it better to use a reference, and when is a pointer? What are the limitations of the former, and what are the latter?

Why do I need an ampersand in a function parameter?

Please tell me what role the ampersand plays in the parameter of this function because the program works correctly both with ... summands_it) { cout << *summands_it << (summands_it != summands.end() - 1 ? " + " : "\n"); } }

C++, a reference to a method of an already existing object

Please tell me, does C++ allow you to place a reference to a method of an already created object (of another class) in an object? That is, something like: A a; B b { a.method };

Opening href in the same window

Can you tell me how to make links like <a href=""> open in the same window, and not in another one? PS: how can I make ... f="адрес", the adr\ec of the link, the file from the address, is loaded into the same container by Ajax?Thank you in advance!

What does return *this c++return?

Return *this returns the object itself, and MyClass & converts as an object reference (well, or MyClass & indicates ... fused MyClass & operator = (const MyClass& other) { // Код... // Код... // Код... // Код... return *this; }

How to shorten links using.htaccess

There are links of the form https://site.co.ua/projekts/abc/abc.html , https://site.co.ua/projekts/def/def.html and so on., y ... ot suitable RewriteRule ^abc$ /projekts/abc/abc.html [L] It is necessary that all links in the prjekts folder are abbreviated

Passing a parameter by a c++reference

How do I pass a function a parameter by reference with a default value? void func(int &i) void func2(set<int> &am ... that the variable i is assigned a default value, and the constructor is called for s to use the set set in the function body.

Passing by reference - is it identical to passing a pointer?

I have read more than once that passing by reference is just passing a pointer that is automatically dereferenced inside a fu ... e memory in the dll, how do I properly release it in the program? for example, if I return unique_ptr to a function in a dll?

Passing pointers to a C++function

A question about C++. When passing an ordinary variable to a function, a copy of it is created, as I understand it. And what happens when we pass a pointer? Is a copy of the pointer being created or not?

Links in PHP

In what situations can I use links in PHP? For example, what would be faster: $get = &$_GET; echo $get['id']; // это? $ ... Pozh-ta explain in what cases it is profitable to use links, and then I know about the existence, but I have never used it)

How do I find out the size of an array passed to a function?

You need to determine the size of the array passed to the function. I tried it like this: void foo(int* Array) { const u ... By the way, I noticed something strange. I ran this program through Visual Studio and Qt. In VS, SIZE stores 1, and in Qt 2.

References(Pointers) in JAVA. Applying reference variables

There is a task: To implement a function that reads a long number. I did everything, but I just need to solve it with the hel ... rray(); int cnt = s.length()/4+2; size=cnt; int[] a = new int[cnt]; ReadLong(ss,a); } }

A pointer to a link?

There is such a definition of a function: void uploadData(Person *& persons, int & size, std::string path) What do ... is located? If you allocate memory for this, will the data that the link originally pointed to change? Why is this even used?

example of the need to use a pointer reference

Hello, I wanted to find an example of mandatory use of a pointer reference... I never found it... here, let's say, there is a ... with a reference to the pointer, otherwise, so that the value of the pointer does not change or something else happens to it

Link types, full and non-full address

Are there any differences between the links <a href="http://site.com/article-page">Статья</a> или <a href="/a ... I.e. how is it better to specify ? for I call the full path in all references, instead of how do I understand the inner one ?

Reference variables in Python

I understand that all variables in Python are references that refer to a single object, and not to a section of memory as in ... stead of server[serveraddr][username][0] - this would improve the readability of the code. Is it possible to implement this?