
How to use df. rolling (..., win type= 'exponential'). mean()

I want to calculate a weighted moving average using df.rolling().mean(). The weights for the values in the window can be set ... ith win_type='exponential', outputs: # ValueError: The 'exponential' window needs one or more parameters -- pass a tuple.

Excel-standard deviation "if"

How do I do such a task? There is a table in Excel, simplifying it as much as possible - there is a column A with sample numb ... want to explicitly specify the ranges of the groups. It is better to have a number in a separate cell that you can refer to.

How to find the average wind direction

Every minute we get readings from the wind sensor. It is necessary to calculate the average wind direction for the last 10 mi ... Sum += math.cos(math.radians(value)) return ((math.degrees(math.atan2(sinSum, cosSum)) + 360) % 360) How true is it?

How to build a vector autoregression model (VAR model)?

It is necessary to evaluate the reaction of one variable to the shock of another (using vector autoregression). Given the spe ... ve used Eviews Help, respectively, various tutorials for it, as well as textbooks on econometrics Nosko V. P. and Dougherty.

The difference between dependent and independent samples

I have a sample of 100 organizations and two indicators - the number of employees of retirement age and the number of employe ... of retirement age? When choosing a statistical method, should I define this sample as dependent? Thank you for your answers.

Microtic + NPS. How do I collect statistics about VPN connections?

There is a bunch of Microtik + Windows Radius (NPS) + AD. How can I process statistics on VPN connections in some visual form ... u need to get the total time that a person spent with the VPN enabled. a day. Please tell me the simplest solution. Thank you

What are the numerical methods for the least squares method?

I have the following code in Matlab: fileID = fopen('input.txt','r'); formatSpec = '%f'; y = fscanf(fileID,formatSpec); ste ... exp(x/b)+x^2/3+x' ? Or advise any other a numerical method for finding the coefficients of the resulting nonlinear function.

Is there a function in R to get the value of the Laplace function?

For solving various statistical problems, textbooks actively use the Laplace table. What is the name of the function in R to get the values according to this table?

How do I get the value of the Laplace function? Python

Hello! Please tell me how to get the value of the Laplace function (the function of the standard normal distribution) in pyt ... pdf() function from scipy gives the wrong value. The values do not match the table values of the Laplace integral function:

How does python count the standard stdev function from statistics?

Python has a standard deviation function from the statistics library. There are several similar functions on this page for th ... discrepancy with the others I still can't figure out what function is embedded in the standard statistics library for python.

How to effectively create a conjugacy table for a categorical attribute?

I receive data with 40 categorical attributes as input. There are empty values in the data. The number of categories of each ... e. Tell me, is it possible to calculate the conjugacy table more efficiently? PS Data can be loaded hence ("small" dataset)

Testing the hypothesis of the equal probability of the distribution of the RNG: the meaning of the experimental Chi-square value

There is a RNG based on the linear congruent method. It is necessary to test the hypothesis about the equal probability of th ... ow you can interpret the level of significance. How do I get the probability of confidence from it? 1 - (significance level)?