
Broke my Ubuntu. Sudo doesn't work

I type sudo in the console and get ~$ sudo Sudo: /usr/bin/sudo must belong to a user with uid 0 and have the setuid bit I didn't do anything, he said.

SSH in Python, paramiko

I saw other discussions but found nothing useful import paramiko ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy ... execute, but this doesn't happen, why? The code itself is executed without errors UPD: I checked, it connects and "logs in"

Login removed to superuser mode on Debian 10 using python paramiko

You need to use the Python language to remotely change the ip address to the Debian 10 OS using the paramiko library. To chan ... stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("ip a") stdin.flush() result = print(result) ssh.close()

How do I get a list of users who are allowed to use sudo?

There is a server with a large number of system users who have access to it via SSH. As part of the access inventory task, ... e a loop in which to iterate over the output id for all users of the system, but is it possible to do something more elegant?

What is the difference between su and sudo?

I enter the su command, enter the password, and I get an error. And when sudo, everything is fine. What could be wrong? Distribution: ubuntu.

Fixing the consequences of " chmod 777 /"

In ubuntu 14, 4 executed chmod 777 /, after which su and sudo -s stopped executing. How do I fix this? $ su operation not ... rmitted $ sudo -s /etc/sudoers is world writable no valid sudoers souces found, quitting unable to initialize policy plugin

rsync with sudo rights

There is a task-to synchronize the contents of the /home/* folder between two servers. The command looks like this: rsync -- ... nd changed all the files ' rights to be read by the group. But this needs to be constantly monitored and looks like a crutch.

Root access denied

I installed the pure-ftpd FTP server. I want to configure it. The server does not have a config. It perceives the settings as ... rror occurred while redirecting file '/etc/pure-ftpd/conf/someparam' open: Permission denied How can a root have no access?

How to make my script run with two clicks a command that contains sudo?

I have a very simple script, similar to this: #!/bin/bash #Seleciono o diretório onde se encontra o arquivo para execução ... as user friendly as possible. I'd like to keep running with two clicks, but I couldn't create (or find a script) like that.