
how to switch to another viewcontroller in swift

I can't go to another page when I click on the button. It is clear that you need to drag through the control and everything w ... d: true, completion: nil) } } If the status is ok, then I need the transition, and if not, then I don't need anything.

Random Image generator

I have several images for example: "Avatar1. png", "Avatar2 .png"... How can I make it so that when you click on the UIImageV ... avatarsButton(_ sender: UIButton) { randomImage.image = UIImage(named: "Avatar\(arc4random_uniform(4) + 1).png") }

how to make a cluster for points on the map in mapBox?

Mapbox SDK Swift 3 there is a masive with points on the map, how to make a cluster for points with masive? according to the e ... 0.25) { [unowned self] in self.popup?.alpha = alpha } } else { popup?.alpha = alpha } }