
Help me make a request for Doctrine 2

class Company { /** * @ORM\Column(type="integer", name="ID") * @ORM\Id * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUT ... } There are 2 classes Company and Sector Task: Create a query for Doctrine 2 that pulls all companies that have SectorID =1

symfony + nginx

I installed nginx, configured the virtual hosts. But I needed to fill in symfony 5 to run through the CLI, but not to contact ... line listen, symfony in the nginx settings it runs on port 9000 as expected. What do I not understand? What am I doing wrong?

Design patterns in popular Open Source projects

Can someone give a list of common design patterns in Open Source projects ? Such as symfony or laravel ? For example, I woul ... look at the implementation of the Factory, Builder, Prototype, Adapter, Decorator, Observer, etc. patterns in these projects.

Phalcon vs Symfony

I started programming in Symfony - many people praise it and everything seems to be fine. But only in terms of performance is ... Read that Phalcon. Write - one of the fastest. Is it worth using it? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Symfony?

Symfony Overblog use context

The graphql specification has the concept of context Is it possible to transfer it from the client and then use it in the resolver It's about

Display objects from the last one added

Please tell me how to display objects so that the last one added is the first one. Now it's the opposite. It is necessary th ... items' => $items, 'on_page' => $onPage, 'page_count' => ceil($count / $onPage), 'count' => $count, ]; }

How to create sitemap.xml using the sonata seobundle (Symfony 4.3)?

I encountered the sonata admin bundle for the first time. I spent a lot of time, I can't implement the generation in any way ... .xml with the handles. It is not linked to ready-made solutions. I just didn't find anything useful for manual generation : (

How do I install Symfony on windows 7?

I am tormented by this question: why do I and the author of the course (I watch the course on Symfony) have different results ... h Composer didn't issue any errors. Went to .yaml file, everything seems to be written there. What could be the problem here?

Symfony routing for bundle?

I understand Symfony 3.4, but I can't figure out how to add a route for the controller. Added a bundle to routing. yml user ... ); } } Trying to go to: my. local/user/login my. local/user/ I get 404. Why? Please tell me how to solve it.

How can I search for the Symfony framework version without any additional updates?

The question is: how do I find a version of Symphony 4 that will be without add-ons? What I downloaded now is a blog and an o ... ion 2, and now... 4 in my opinion? These versions differ, and many would like to would you like to find out what in kradtsa?

Image cropped when comparing on facebook

Hi, I have a share button on facebook the news from my site. It takes the correct image, the correct title and the correct de ... <meta property="fp:app_id" content="xxxxx"> First image is the window before share Second image is after I share.

Read values from a Json structure using Jquery

I am trying to read the data that is received via php and I need to read those values separately. The return is an object jso ... s' => $clientes ))); $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); return $response; }