
How can I install grub in Linux mint via the terminal?

The question is: after installing Linux mint, the system logo itself is displayed when the system boots! and the system itself is fully loaded and functions only the grub interface is missing.

Why system.out?

Why do we write system.out when we want to output text in java? what does this mean, can anyone help ?

What module can I use to find out the temperature/load of the CPU and video card in Python?

I found answers on the Internet, but the modules either had problems with Windows 10 (On which I work), or simply output the wrong information that I need. Suggest something suitable.

How do I run a python script on behalf of the system in Windows 7.10?

There is a client-server application that should transmit data regardless of the login to the account (this is implemented in ... not log in to the account, but the program is already working and gives a connection. I would like to implement the same....

I put the proprietary Nvidia driver in Linux mint after which the GUI shell does not load in verka the cursor constantly flashes!

I put the proprietary Nvidia driver in Linux mint after which the GUI shell does not load! in verku, the cursor is constantly flashing!

Analog of system ("cls")

Please tell me if it is possible to replace cpp system(“cls”); Something to keep the screen from flickering? Just if you mak ... < ‘ ‘; } } cout << endl; } } int main() { while(true) game(); return 0; }

Implementation of system. arraycopy. Java

Hello. There is a question, does anyone know how system. arraycopy is implemented in Java. Everyone knows that the built-in m ... nts, by the speed exceeds the copying cycle. So what's the secret ? It turns out that the method copies the data in blocks ?

Running Python scripts via cmd.exe without the full path to the script

Working on Windows 8.1 with Python 3.6. I need to learn how to use cmd.exe to run Python scripts. Need to be able to just run ... does not work when searching for the script. How do I make it so that I can run it without writing the full path to the file?

How do I open an image using Python?

My code: import os os.system("D\picture.jpg") It works in the console, but not in pycharm... what to do?

Automatically turn on your Android phone when charging is connected

Good day to all. There is a phone from which I would like to make a video recorder for my car. I wrote a program that will re ... here the desired animation file of the phone's battery charge is and where it is necessary to enter the enable command in it.

c++ system(): how to make it silent

How do I silence system()? So that it does not output anything to the terminal. Is it possible to redirect the output to a file using fstream instead of stdio.h?

Where is boot.ini windows 10/2016 located?

I want to edit the boot.ini file on the windows 2016(or windows 10) server, I can't find it, usually it should be on the C:\ ... C:The \boot.ini. file is ignored, apparently it is a relic of windows xp. Where is this file located and what is its name?

The system function in C++

Looking at the function description system And I noticed two strange places: If command is not a null pointer, the value ... with the executed command at all (unless it is null) - it simply says "Implementation-defined value". And no mention of UB.