
How does deflate differ from gzip?

Tell me, how does deflate differ from gzip? And can I enable gzip and deflate compression simultaneously on the site? And is it necessary?

Group encoding (compression algorithm)

"Group encoding" (compression algorithm) is an RLE algorithm? Or are there any more?

How can the Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) algorithm be applied to image compression?

Actually, this is the question. I just started to understand this algorithm. On habr or in this material (the second downloa ... understand, for example, where is the coordinate of a pixil, and where is its color? Can someone share links on this topic?

Best text compression algorithms

Every year, the compression algorithms are improved, something new appears, or a modification of existing ones. Question: ... UTF-8 While on the rumor, but it is already relatively long ago, the algorithm PPMd, PPMz. Is there something more perfect?

How are zlib, gzip, and zip related? What do they have in common and what are their differences?

The compression algorithm used in zlib is almost the same as in gzip and zip. How do they differ?

Questions about the Huffman compression algorithm

First: Is it possible to turn the resulting sequences 0 and 1 into the SAME text after compression? Secondly: Is it possible to compress something other than text, if so, how to do it?