
DeadLock at the level of conceptual design, entity-relationship modeling (MER)

At the conceptual design level we can use the approach (relationship entity modeling (MER)) to describe the behavior of futur ... I just read the Chapter 7 Source: database systems 6th edition, authors: Elmasri, Ramez Navathe, Shamkant B. Year: 2011

Table and column nomenclature

For at least four years I have been working with the following table and column nomenclature which is exactly like this: the ... ust wrong and will not cause other developers to have problems with it? Or maybe a better question: How could I improve this?

Table normalization to 2nd Normal Form

A relation is in 2FN if and only if it is in 1FN and not contains partial dependencies. From this definition I am norm ... ke this, is the central idea of my normalization thinking correct? Is there any other better way for me to normalize it?

Mutually exclusive relationship (MER)

I know there are several ways to implement this conceptual model, but I would like to know the best way (if there is one tha ... consistency at the project level conceptual? In this link you can see another example about mutually exclusive relationship

How can I display data using JOIN?

I am doing a section on my website called "My Ideal board", in it the user enters his data(weight, height, etc.), a compariso ... FROM DADOS_USUARIO AS USU INNER JOIN PRANCHA AS PRAN ON(USU.usuario = PRAN.prancha_pri);

How to know that the attribute is NOT null in the PostgreSQL bank?

I am developing a system in Java with Spring Boot and created the table as not null as you can see: CREATE TABLE categoria ... information, it does not tell me if in fact the table was created as not null. As do I know if the table is like not null?

Calculate mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation in historical series in R

Good Morning, I need to generate the mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation of the data frame below, from co ... escrit However, the function I applied does not return values correctly per line as per image. Anyone who can please help.

Insert image into database [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... ? I have a product table with the fields: Code, name, price, image, in the image I intend to store a photo of the product.

Fields with same name in different tables

Fields with the same name in different tables can cause conflict at the time of normalizar or do some inner join? Examples ... n possible concatenating Two table names to create the name of a relationship table. Valeria a same thing for the fields?

Create a new table for optional values

Have a problem creating a new table for fields that are not required ? For example in the endereco table (cod_endereco, logra ... l), the second ja and with two tables where the complement table will only be filled if the user informs the complement.

Representation of self-relationship many to many

I am creating an Entity-Relationship Model in which a student can have many students, thus characterizing self-relationship f ... ng two student keys? If it helps, I am doing this relationship to identify which Friends A student added inside the system.

How do I know if a column exists in a SQL Server table?

I'm trying to add a new column in a SQL Server table, and I want to know if it already exists or not. I have tried something ... OLUMN_NAME = 'minhaColuna') But always resolves as false. How can I tell if a column already exists in a SQL Server table?

What is a static table in SQL Server?

What is a static table in SQL Server? I can't understand this concept from internet searches.

Arithmetic calculations (sum) in Flask database-SQLAlchemy

I have a table in my database that the user puts the total flight hours he made. I wanted to know how do I sum all the hours ... ername }}</td> <td>{{ posts.hora }}</td> </tr> {% endfor %} </body> </html>

Foreign key with UNIQUE

What happens if I put a foreign key as UNIQUE in a table? I tested this possibility but maybe I got it wrong, if we apply a ... able? What about the data that is there present but in the bank but was not consulted with inner join What do we do with it?

How to sort varchar field with letters and numbers in sql server

I have the following query below and would like to sort according to the image, but the number. WITH cteNiveis(IdConta, Nive ... " 3 --- Lote "3" IPTU \ Quadra A \ Lote "3" 3 --- Lote "4" IPTU \ Quadra A \ Lote "4" And so on....

Create dynamic table of the result of a return from an exec with variable Sql server

Good Morning, I'm having a hard time getting it done in sql server 2014. I need the return of the result exec (@query) to c ... ) Objective is to create an HTML email with the table created, this is the only way I know so far. From now on I thank

How best to build a MySQL table with revenue items? All ingredients in a row or one ingredient per row?

I'm used to creating sites with few database records, so I don't worry about query speed and I don't have experience with lar ... characters) or a table with 800,000 records where the ingredients field will be smaller, will have on average 25 characters

Database structure for 'secret friend'

I am creating a secret friend system for the family, where it will be possible to have: User Registration with their give ... um determinado grupo. What is the best way to structure the database, and what logic(in php) can I use to perform the draw?

Table structure / nomenclature

I've got a permit, and I have a total of 9 tables, all of which make up the permission for that user to use it on my systems, ... mission. System Table Data: Group table data: Legacy systems Table Data: Data from the inherited Group table: