
I can't perform a search query in google via javascript in tampermonkey

I am trying to implement an automatic search query in google ( or other search engines) via javascript in tampermonkey. I man ... ease help with the problem and, if possible, write the code that will execute a search query, for example, in Google. Thanks.

tampermonkey running the script via the context menu

How do I run a script by right-clicking and selecting the desired script? Using this parameter: @ run-at context-menu An ... ", start); Where start is the name of the function that starts the program. So how do you still run the program this way?

Tampermonkey how to fix the error-enable js

I try to "throw" a small browser script for Tampermonkey on JS, when running on the destination site, I get a page message in ... ource.split(str_before).join(str_after); document.body.innerHTML = changed; alert(changed); }, 1000); };

I need to auto-click on a class button (help)

I need to auto-click on this button: <button tabindex="-1" class="btn btn-inverse btn-large"> Botao1 </button> ... k, only the number sometimes changes, dai click on a different button.. I need help to click exclusively on the button above.

Help in creating bots for a web Browser game [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... tic, the script click attack alone ): <button tabindex="-1" class="btn btn-inverse btn-large"> Atacar </button>