
Linux masked archiving, where is the error?

I plan to archive files by mask find /mnt/smb-share/ -type f \( -name "*.rtf" -o -name "*.txt" \) -exec tar -cv /var/ftp/arc ... mes /mnt/smb-share/акт.rtf Archives the last hovered file name inside the archive for some reason in the form of * act. rtf

How to convert a tar archive.gz to tar.bz2 format?

There is an archive in the form of tar.gz, and it needs to be fed to a program that requires the tar.bz2 format as input. How do I perform the conversion in a *nix-like environment?

How to archive all the folders in the current directory, I'll put them in a separate archive

For example, we have the folders 001,002,003 in the current directory. The output should have three archives 001.tar.gz, 002.tar.gz, 003.tar.gz