
Disable CipherLab 9700 Collector virtual keyboard via PHP

I created 2 pages in PHP, to run in collector: CipherLab 9700 It is running normally and doing what I want, the only th ... pe="text" class="form-control" id="tag" name="tag"> </div> </div> </fieldset> </form>

How to create a shortcut within a page?

To add a new item to my database there is the button add , however I would like to add a shortcut so that it performs the sa ... to n, but it did not work this way. How could I create a shortcut on my webpage that would recognize the shift Command+n ?

OK button of Android event keyboard

Good afternoon guys once again asking for help. I would like to know how I do to catch the OK button event from the keyboard. ... le if I have a login and I want that when I click ok it has the same effect as the login button of my application would have.

Problems with typing Firemonkey Android virtual keyboard

I have an application running on Android devices (5, 6 and 7) and it presents a problem in typing the words-different from au ... phi XE8. I even tried some suggestions to change the keyboard (KeyboardType = Alphabet), but to no avail. Any tips? Grateful!

Open mobile keyboard automatically

Currently I have the following block attached to the user action. $(".class-botao").focus() When the user interacts with t ... .trigger('click // touchstart') soon after from focus(), but nothing from the keyboard appears : / Anyone have any tips ?

Back button action when the keyboard is active

I'm trying to use the back button action to pop up a menu in my application, with the onKeyUp method. As soon as the back key ... the keyboard is downloaded, or when the back key is clicked, to bring up the menu. I accept suggestions, since jpa thank you.

How to capture a key pressed in C#

I have an application with Digit buttons and I want to capture the keystrokes typed and run the events of those buttons. I ad ... 2_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if(e.KeyChar.GetType == '0') { btn0.PerformClick(); } }

Space between Edittext and keyboard on android

I would like to know if it is possible to put a margin to space the edittext keyboard so as not to get so close like this: ... "@string/nome_login" android:inputType="textCapSentences" android:background="@drawable/rounded_border"/>

Android keyboard does not overlap buttons

On one of my application screens: When I open the keyboard the same overlaps the Done button: Screen that Original Fo ... me=".Audios" android:parentActivityName=".Motivacao" android:label="Audios" /> </application>

How to trigger a method when the user presses the delete or return key?

In my form I have a client field. I need that when the user presses the delete or return Key, a method that I have in my cont ... t;input placeholder="Digite as iniciais para fazer a pesquisa." class="md-input label-fixed" ng-model="registro2.razao"/>

Simulate keyboard typing programmatically in c

One problem: I need my program in C to write as if it were a keyboard. When I open google, for example, and click on the sea ... input; fp = fopen("/dev/rfcomm0", "rb"); while(1) { input = fgetc(fp); fputc(input, stdin); //printf("%c", input); }

Some keys are not working on my VS2015

The Keys F1 to F12 , are not working. I use a DELL notebook, with windows 10. I put the cursor on top of a class, gave F12 to go to the function and nothing. I gave a F5 and the project did not run. What could be happening?

Jquery and keyboard on android and IOS

I am having trouble capturing which character the user pressed when used smartphone with ANDROID / IPHONE. I use the jQuery k ... now how to solve this? The code I'm using: $('#campo-valor').on('keyup', function(event) { console.log(event.which); }

Use period instead of comma on the numeric keypad with Linux Mint

I'm using Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa On my numeric keypad the dot button (.) clicking insert comma (,) I tried to enter the settings but did not find the option that makes this change Is there any way to configure my Button behavior to do this?

React-native keyboard problems

Good Night, I am having a problem on the keyboard of my android application, I would like that when opening the keyboard of ... </manifest> Practical operation result: Other information: react-native-cli: 2.0.1 and react-native: 0.55.4

How do I make it so that when I press the key an action occurs until I release the key

- Origin: https://pt.stackoverflow.com/questions/450953/como-fazer-para-o-movimento-atrav%c3%a9s-do-evento-keydown-acontecer ... ="player"></div> I want to know how to make animation via keyboard events be fluid just like video game games.

Does using virtual keyboard help security?

Does the use of virtual keyboards (the same as Google search) prevent the typed data from being collected by Keyloggers? If yes is there any virtual keyboard they can indicate?

How to make View move when displaying keyboard (IOS and Android) in React-Native?

I'm developing a messaging app in React-Native. When you click on the text input, and the IOS keyboard is displayed, it hides ... ize: 18, height: 60, backgroundColor: '#FFF', borderRadius: 5, paddingLeft: 10, } });

How to know the direction of the mouse?

I would like to make a program that indicates what position the mouse is moving to (right, left, up, down, right and up, righ ... rior: print("esquerda") elif position_atual == position_anterior: print("parado") Position()

How to use the keyboard library?

How to use the keyboard to perform an activity if a certain key is pressed? In my searches, I couldn't find any example in th ... import keyboard b = 0 if keyboard.press('b'): #sei que o certo não é utilizar o press, mas, o que boto no lugar? b = 1