
pip install tensorflow error

I use the latest version of python. When installing pip install tensorflow, an error occurs: ERROR: Could not find a versio ... m versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorflow How can I correct this error? Thank you in advance!

How to make a regression neural network in Python?

How can I implement a regression neural network in Python? I recently started studying neural networks, and I ran into a prob ... t the direction of movement of the snake, for example, 0-to the left, 1-to the right. Accordingly, also for the Y coordinate.

How do I find the length of a circle in an image?

Given an image, you need to find the length of the circle on it, I tried to do this using opencv-python by coordinates , but ... h of this arc, please tell me how this can be done using built-in datasets, for example, something like finding the letter C.

How do I install and configure the tensorflow library to work in python 3.8 under Windows 10 with an AMD GPU and an Intel CPU?

How do I install and configure the tensorflow library to work in python 3.8 under Windows 10 with an AMD GPU and an Intel CPU ... om/en-us/windows/win32/direct3d12/gpu-tensorflow-windows?fbclid=IwAR2iMvnpc-yEMlpb9fHv6bjUgxEDbCPqp69rPk6MI5vZIl_voKQUFMu3nZg

TensorFlow example numerical neural network

I wanted to make a neural network on TensorFlow that consists of 2 layers (2 input, 1 output). And I need, for example, to input [0, 0] output [0], [1, 0] [1], [1, 1] [0.25] etc. , and to be trained.

Your input ran out of data; interrupting training

A data shortage error pops up. About 4-5 days ago, this error did not occur on the same code. Code for creating the model: ... ms this: Found 60000 images belonging to 10 classes. Found 10000 images belonging to 10 classes. Using Google Colaboratory

LSTM keras: how to predict the value on multiple features with time series?

I need to predict the value of the column Close (stock price) with 3 inputs: Close, Open and Volume. Example of a dataset: ... 1)) predictions = model.predict(x_test) print(predictions) print('rmse:', np.sqrt(np.mean(((predictions - y_test) ** 2))))

What if there is not a supported wheel on this platform when installing?

Trying to install tensorflow on Windows, Python 3.5 In the console: C:\Users\Администратор\pip install --upgrade httpd://st ... 35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl tensorflow-0.12.1-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform How to fix it?

Installing tensorflow on rasberian jessie

When trying to install tensorflow on a banana pi m64, this error occurs. What to do? Operating system: debian jessie; python version: 3.4.2 Tensorflow-1.5.0-cp34-none-any.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform

Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX AVX2

I constantly get the following error in the Jupiter Notebook console window: 2018-05-31 16:39:04.994528: I tensorflow/core/p ... not compiled to use: AVX AVX2 How to use the ability to execute instructions in TF installed via the Anaconda distribution ?

TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

I'm trying to start preparing images for the neural network I use the following data.py (github) But when compiling writes ... it, because I'm not very friendly with Python, more on Java :3 Thanks! P.S. I have Python 3.6.6 x64 (Anaconda For Windows)

Exit of a recurrent Neural network with Tensorflow and Keras

I set up a dataset with my image data. I want to do the training of a convolutional neural network but ended up stopping at t ... metrics=["accuracy"]) model.summary() model.fit(X_treinamento, y_treinamento, epochs=5) Grateful for your attention

TypeError: can't pickle thread. local objects when I try to use scikit-learn RFE in a model created in tensorflow

I'm trying to use the scikit-learn library RFE in models I created using tensorflow, but when I try to train I get TypeError: ... Continuum\anaconda3\lib\copy.py", line 169, in deepcopy rv = reductor(4) TypeError: can't pickle _thread._local objects

Are Keras and TensorFlow the same thing?

I've been walking urubusservating a few TensorFlow tutorials lately and realized that error reduction models, interleaved ma ... network layer models themselves are (almost) all in the Keras library, hence my question. TensorFlow Tutorial I saw: here

Tensorflow-what better model to perform real's grade training?

I am developing a faculty project to perform the recognition of the real notes through TensorFlow, but the big problem is tha ... y other model, it would be a good thing for my scenario, and if you have some tips to get around these issues similarity.