
Size of a character (ASCII vs other encodings) in bytes

Seeing this question I have a doubt, coming from PHP and in the past having" problems " derived from character encoding, ex ... n"; // 1 cout << sizeof(a) << "\n"; // 1 cout << sizeof('ã') << "\n"; // 4 } Where are we?

The first programming language

Until the time when computers were purely mechanical and were programmed by punched cards I understand how it works. Then, ... t of an assembly is another file in text format with 0's and 1's only? Or are electrical impulses sent to the valved machine.

What is the NPI complexity class?

Studying about complexity, I came across the term NPI. It means NP-intermediate. But I did not understand what this "intermed ... er ): NP : non-deterministic polynomial P : polynomial deterministic NPC : NP-Complete NPI : NP-Intermediate

What is a context-free language?

In Wikipedia has the following statement : In formal language theory, a context-free language (LLC) it is a language g ... at is a context-free language? How is it possible, if it is possible, to define whether a language is context-free or not?

What is the problem of gluttonous philosophers?

When talking about concurrent programming, they always cite 3 Classic problems / concurrency Models: producers and consum ... ? is there something real and everyday that we run into this problem without having knowledge? I don't know, in a database?

What is Turing Machine?

What is this one Máquina de Turing that made Turing be recognized as "Pai da Computação"? How does it work and how does it read a binary tape?

What is a Turing stop problem?

I have read and re-read in Wikipedia , I have watched some 15 videos in English and Portuguese on this subject, I have read s ... ing the contradiction do not make sense in my head. Please without technical terms. Help me with simple logic to understand.

What is Harvard architecture?

Reading a few things about architecture, in several cases Harvard architecture is compared with Von Neumann architecture. I f ... Harvard. What is Harvard architecture about? How does it work? What advantages does it have over Von Neumann's architecture?

What is Von Neumann architecture?

How does it work and why did it become the dominant computational model?

What are the differences in the computational power of Automata with deterministic and a non-deterministic stack?

Is there a difference in computational power between a deterministic and a non-deterministic stack automaton?

Is a finite state machine capable of detecting primality of a number?

I recently saw a publication of how Perl was taught to recognize a prime number using regular expressions. The regular expre ... f a number is prime? If so, how is he? If not, what is the proof that this problem cannot be solved through regular language?

What is the complexity of an algorithm?

What is the complexity of an algorithm? And what are the ways to measure it? (Big O, Big Theta...)

What is starvation?

Some conditions can prevent the progress of execution of processes or threads, two of these conditions are called dead-lock a ... . How does this work? in what scenario is this useful? or can it even get in the way? Can you give any examples of this?

Difference between 'regular language 'to'irregular language'

Reading a question about basic programming concepts, I come across the following statement: Let A and B be two languages ... irregular language? In the above statement Why is only language B regular? What are the main examples of the two languages?

Can stop problem be solved in practice?

The stop problem can be explained as: given a program and an input to it, will it complete its execution and return a respons ... ow how many digits that has. My question is: what is wrong? Clearly the problem is undecidable. Where does this method fail?

How to check the efficiency of these 2 functions in C++?

How to determine which of these two functions is the best choice for implementation? 1: int X(int x){ if(x<=0) retu ... =x;++i) soma+=i; return soma; } How to determine the complexity equations and solve them? Or is there another method?

Doubt about Chomsky's hierarchy

Regarding the 4 types of languages, I have doubt in understanding about the context-dependent or context-sensitive language. ... by the sites, I would like someone to help me understand what is a context-sensitive language and a unrestricted language.

These days.. how far does the front end go? [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... s he responsible for leaving the screens functional and dynamic ? or is he simply responsible for doing just the look (ux)?