
Ubuntu go to a folder with a name in Russian

How can I go to a folder with a Russian name in Ubuntu in console mode (English only)?

copy the file path in the terminal

Surely there is a way, working in the terminal, being in a specific folder, how to copy the path to this file? Applicability: save the file paths to a separate file. How I see it: $ copy file path > FilesPaths.txt

Error installing illuminate / html

I understand the laravel framework. In the console, I write: composer require "illuminate/html" As a result, here's what ... 0 -> satisfiable by laravel/framework[v5.0.16]. Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.

how do I import a large database to phpMyAdmin?

How to import a large database in phpMyAdmin,I have it about 800Mb, how to do it using Terminal in Mac OS?

Search for files in linux by time access to them

How do I display the first 5 directory files that were recently accessed in the /etc directory?

Is there any difference between compiling by linux terminal or IDE?

I've been programming in C in linux for a semester now, and I always come across people who call themselves better programmer ... d like to know from you what is the difference? Is it even better to compile by terminal? If so, why? Note: I use codeblock.

Close console window in C

I need to create the Old Lady's game. I want to know how to close the black window that appears without having to click any k ... appears: 1 to play 0 to exit If the user enters 0 i want the program to close completely without having to click Enter.

How to remove a directory in Windows even if it is in use?

I have a database service running in a known directory C:\meuBanco\exe\ and have now developed an updater of this service, wh ... ocess blocking the exe folder. So I ask: is there a way to force the removal of a directory on Windows even if it is in use?

How to tell if a port is open or not on Linux

I have a PHP script that acts as a server of a chat (websocket) that I have on a certain system. I notice that sometimes unex ... . So how can I detect if a certain port is in use or not? What command in Linux can I use to know if a port is open or not?

Python Source with subprocess

I'm trying to run a command line in the terminal through a python script. The command line is as follows: vcftools --vcf &l ... le_1' is not defined By the way the error is in the assignment of inputfile_1 to sys.argv[1]... Any help will be welcome.

Error: "Cannot find symbol" - class instance inside Main class, using Linux terminal

I have an exercise to solve, which consists of creating a simple Java language calculator. I have to through the Terminal, s ... -cp .. MainEX1.java New error - when I try to use command java MainEX1 Error: Could not find or load main class MainEX1

How to switch the # symbol to the CIF symbol in the terminal after changing user

I will be direct, because the title denotes part of my curiosity about the linux console. I explain In some type distros - ... not change to "$" after logging in. Doubt I don't know how this works and/or simply how it should be done. Someone knows!?

Make Conversion Of File Names To Alphabet Letters

Convert File Names To Alphabet Letters For example , I have several Image/Photo files in a directory, and I want to pass thes ... rs of the alphabet Before IMG01-03082016.jpg IMG02-03082016.jpg IMG03-03082016.jpg Etc ... After A.jpg B.jpg C.jpg Etc ...

Failed to install.deb on Ubuntu [dated]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... 's either "finish" the installation of Astah or remove it at once, so that apt works again. Note: I am using Ubuntu 16.04

How to run Python commands inside cmd using a script

I want to create an executable that opens a cmd and after that insert a clear() function automatically so that I can clear th ... e script, the open terminal configured with clear function and ready for quick use of python? def clear(): os.system('cls')

How to install node.js in its latest version (12.x) by Ubuntu terminal?

I'm trying to install nodeJS on my Linux.However, even putting the codes for Version 12.x: # Using Ubuntu curl -sL https:// ... atualizados, 0 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos e 22 não atualizados. Could anyone explain the problem to me?

Copy files in batch, renaming them with the name of the original directory

Suppose I have a directory structure organized as follows on my PC: Diretorio 01 Arquivo 01.jpg Arquivo 02.jpg Arquiv ... result. That is, names can be something in line Diretorio_01_Arquivo_01.jpg if this makes the algorithm easier to implement.

Difference from: "git commit-am" and " - m"

What would be the difference between typing: git commit -m "Teste" and git commit -am "Teste"? I'm learning about Git and would like to know how to differentiate this.

How to change numbers in the same execution line in Python?

Hello I'm new to programming and was doing a countdown program in python. I made the code and it worked, but then I looked at ... c == 0: break print(' .',end='') sleep(0.33) print('') print('Seu programa esta rodando!')

PowerShell and VS Code does not recognize " Set-Location"

My PowerShell does not recognize the Set-Location, this already occurred at a time every time I run a code in VS Code because ... nstalled" and the Set-Location does not really appear (and also another command set-variable, I found out going on the ISE):