
BPM development (specifically Pega) or automated testing in Java, which to choose?

Good day to all! I will describe the situation. 22 years old, 3rd year of finance faculty, school21, I have basic skills and ... ty factor than the sum of the po. Thank you to all who responded! Ps do not judge strictly if you wrote nonsense somewhere

junior qa test task

In the test task for the position of Junior QA, among other things, they were given the task to write test cases for a ready- ... them yourself? After all, as far as I understand the meaning of this is not to find mistakes, but to see my understanding?

How to determine the visibility of an element with Puppeteer?

According to the documentation, elementHandle.BoundingBox () returns null when the element is invisible. However, when I run ... e test polls a lot of items and I need details when it "crashes". How do I still get the full visibility state of an element?

Testing the function in C

How to check how a function behaves on different data in C? Let's say there is a function that determines from three sides th ... 2; } if(a+b>c && b+c>a && a+c>b) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } Show an example of the test.

Is it possible to test a website at high dpi somewhere online?

For example, to see how a website will look on retina (with twice the pixel density) if there is no access to real iPhones?

How do I do a test in C#?

You need to do a Visual Studio test on C# WinForm or WPF. Using a database. How to use tables in a database for tests. How to ... "второй вопрос"; break; case 2: questone.Text = "третий вопрос"; break; } }

What is a test case and a bug report, and what is the difference between them?

As I understand it test case(what needs to be checked/performed - is it our task to determine and write down, or are we being ... ter completing all the playback steps). • The expected result (the result that will be in accordance with the requirements).

What a Software Tester (QA) needs to know [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... been software testers and received normal money for it! What does this person really do and how much does it take to learn?

Test strategy/test scenario/test-case as I understood it

I've been studying testing recently and would like to put all the dots on the i. There is a task " ... come up with a test st ... s test documentation, I hope you will not be in trouble. the burden of guiding me to the right path. all the best in advance!

how to test methods that have java probability

Please tell me how in JUnit (if possible) to test methods that have the probability of some event. I have a method that takes ... ermine this most generated number, but it is generated inside the method, I can't pass it to it. How are such methods tested?

Moodle. Ready-made versions of tests. Single text / task for three questions

You need to create a test in the section. The test should contain 3 questions that fall out randomly, but were linked togeth ... . С. воли. С. воображения. 5. Могущество, влияние, власть. Могучая с. слова. С. убеждения. Непобедимая с. народа. Ответ: .

How is it convenient to check the RESTFul API?

I use a browser to test the API. This was convenient until I started implementing the post, put, and delete methods. It seems ... API. Search engines do not give out anything reasonable about this. Are there normal programs for testing the API under win?

Testing a site on a Mac

Please tell me the service where you can test the site on a mac. You need not just a screenshot, but a test, because when you ... appears and abruptly disappears. At the meeting, the customer showed me at home, but now I do not have a laptop with mac os.

Companion object in Kotlin

Just switching from Java to Kotlin. There was a question, the answer to which, unfortunately, I could not find. There is an a ... fun tearDown() { h.close() } //{...Объявление и инициализация других переменных...} } }

How do I create a test in PHP?

There is a test in php. I do this: by default, the php handler has two variables - $ot and $not-correct and incorrect answe ... { .... } ?> Here's what to put instead ... I can't understand. the correct answer is 1 and 3 checkboxes, for example.

HockeyApp iOS: Allow installation on all devices

Good time of day. There is an application written in XCODE that needs to be tested regularly on other devices. Previously, we ... ere a way to allow the app to be installed on all devices? So that new testers don't have to wait for his device to be added?

Set fixtures for tests

I do not find in the docks how to set fixtures for tests. I.e. some test data for each table. I think it would be ideal to ev ... For example the same fixtures don't make sense fill and clear before/after each method, and there are still different tasks.