
Problems with backspace in TextBox

I have a project to set up a textbox that would only include hours and minutes (with DateTimerPicker, to do quiet, however ne ... on that occasion?? Just needed to release to delete instead of having to select all to give Del and write again, thank you!

Sending shortened date does not work abbreviated asp.net mvc

I am creating a form in the ASP.NET MVC and, creating the "Datamessage" field, at first I put the TextBox to load a date with ... del of the "message Date" field. Does anyone know why this problem is happening and how can I solve it? I appreciate it now.

Force a sqldatareader result

I have the following method: public ClassCardapio MontaCardapioEdit(string periodo, int tipo) { ClassCa ... ny way to force which row of select will be displayed in each textbox? By default it is always displaying the last line of 3.

Parameter in bold C #[closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... : string frase = string.Format("A data de hoje é: {0}", DateTime.Now.Date); Is there a way to leave the parameter in bold?

TextBox returning different decimals in VBA

I have a very simple project, but I have a problem that I can not solve. I believe the problem is something related to the l ... xtBox6.Value = Round(TextBox3.Value / 200, 2) TextBox7.Value = Round(TextBox3.Value / 150, 2) End If End Sub

Problem changing focus of field

I'm having a problem changing the input focus between the TextBox of my application. The problem is actually this: tb_Estado ... to use SendKeys to send the command of {"Tab"}, but also not work. I appreciate everyone's attention and possible solutions!

What is the difference between Text Box and Input?

I'm making a medium fidelity prototype in the Pencil application and would like to know what the difference between a Text Box field and the Input and when to use them: Thank you!

Visual Password

I'm building a login in asp.net and I want that when clicking on the checkbox to show the password it is shown. Page Design ... lt;br /> <asp:Button ID="bt_login" runat="server" Text="Iniciar Sessão" /> </div> </div>

NFE XML reading?

I am performing an XML reading of Nfe however, at the moment I am reading and playing on a txt, but I cannot read these tags ... isplay_xml_envio.AppendText(System.Environment.NewLine.ToString()); txt_display_xml_envio.Update(); break; }

Help me with If condition in a MaskedTextBox

Folks, I know this site is pretty famous because the community is SUPER charitable and kind. Help me with this: I can't get a ... campo CPF!", "Falta de informação", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; }

Change data in a spreadsheet through a listbox

I have a form with two text boxes, three command buttons, a listbox and some labels. The purpose of the form is to list data ... UserForm_Initialize() Ulinha = Range("e1000000").End(xlUp).Row ListBox1.RowSource = "VALIDAÇÃO!E2:F" & Ulinha End Sub