
How to generate Thumbnail of a video for Android?

I am developing an application for android, One of the screens of the same should generate thumbnails of videos and display t ... ady tried to use the Glide library, I continue with the same problem. Ps2: the screen looks like this when you text the app

When generating the thumbnail, the image goes to the All Black directory

The code below is for creating thumb. I would like not to use ready-made libraries, but the generated thumb is going to the a ... oto); imagejpeg($miniatura,$diretorioThumb.$codificarFoto,50); // destruir a imagem imagedestroy($miniatura); }

Remove the original image from the server after Wordpress generates the thumbnails

I need to remove the original image that gives rise to Wordpress thumbnails after the thumbnails are generated. I have 3 size ... und nothing. Is it possible to remove the original after thumbnails have been generated? And if so how can I find the answer?

Thumbnail Open Graph does not appear on Whatsapp

On the site that I am mainta ... of

List grid and list view with bootstrap 4

I would like to know if I can do this Effect that clicks on the icon above and the thumbnail changes list mode to mogo grid with bootstrap 4 I'm worrying on the internet some ready example more I just think of bootstrap 3

Problems with thumbnails in List and grid mode with bootstrap

I need to make these cards stay in List Mode and grid mode I'm using flex-column to make the grids dynamic more when I add th ... ed my cards to be the same as the first image plus when click on the mogo grid button they were the same as the second image.

Create thumbnails of multiple images in one folder at once

Good Afternoon folks, I'm needing to create thumbnails of all images contained in a given folder and save inside a thumb Ex ... uploading the images, but this is not the case, since the images are already on the server. Could anyone help me? Thank you

How to create image thumbnails from an existing image inside the folder?

I am learning to program, including learning very with the help of you who teach me practically everything about functions ... function com PHP that enters the images and makes copies of these images in the desired sizes type 620x400, 310x200, 155x100?