
Calculate the number of hours between two hours and turn to float

Needed to create a function that received two hours in the format (00:00:00), calculate the number of hours between them, and ... gt; 2,30 Resultado: 3 horas e 45 min -> 3,45 Resultado: 3 horas e 1 min -> 3,01 resultado: 3 horas e 59 min -> 3,59

How to check if it's already another day?

I am making an application where a feature becomes available until a condition is reached, after that I have to disable the feature and only enable it the other day. How do I know it's another day?

Passing string to time

I'm taking 2 strings in the format hh:mm:ss to then calculate the time spent between them in the format days, hours, minutes ... a variable of Type time with these my variables hora_inicio, minuto_inicio to so get easier the calculation of the past time?

Calculate time interval in hours and minutes considering different days [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... culaMenor($n1, $n2){ if($n1 > $n2){ return $n2; }else if($n1 < $n2){ return $n1; } } ?>

Write linux bash outputs to a file

I need to do some tests on the linux command line, but doing all the tests is very time consuming, can someone help me, if I have how, to write code in shell script to run all the tests, and write the bash output to a TXT file?

Catching system time in C

I want to take the start and end time of a for. Ex.: #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int main () { time ... ickCount() for seconds. I would handle but the way I've tried using time.h the time is fixed when I call anywhere in my main.

I can't sync the time of my windows watch

I installed windows yesterday (2019-08-16), and the OS time appears 3 hrs ahead, I try to sync and nothing. Type no CMD ... ery /source Local CMOS Clock I am not even knowing how to look to find the solution if it is a duplicate post, I apologize.

Browser guide / title flash upon reaching set time

I have the following code: function startTimer(duration, display) { var timer = duration, minutes, seconds; myInterval ... alert on the screen, the browser tab / title, was also flashing? In case the person sees the window even minimized blinking?

How to set a timer in Android Studio to perform tasks at constant intervals?

I am developing a simple application with Android Studio and I need to create a timer to run some methods every 1 second. I ... } }, delay, interval); When the timer is activated for the first time, fatal error occurs closing the application.

What do GMT and UTC mean?

I recently discovered Unix Timestamp and ended up coming across the acronyms GMT and UTC, I would like to know what they mean. I already gave a survey, but I did not find anything very clear.

convert minutes to: hours and minutes [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... 0){ $exibe2 = $minutos / 60; $exibe = $exibe2 . "min"; }else{ $exibe = "0:" . $minutos; } $hora_final = $exibe;

date.getHours with 0 most stylish

I need to mount a JSON with a property in hours and minutes. I use a Timepicker on the front and it returns a date: Fri Feb ... 05:52 This even works, but it seems kind of precarious to me and I would like a more elegant solution. Anyone have an idea?

Calculate hours in PHP?

I am developing an electronic point in PHP and would like to know how to do the two-hour Caculo being one of them is negative ... example: Hourly load Day 1: -05:00:00 Hourly load Day 2: 08:00:00 How would the two-hour bill get the balance of hours?

Rounding hours (from 30 to 30 minutes)

Does anyone have any idea of some logic for rounding time, but every 30 minutes? Example: vem assim -> vira assim 15:34:32 -> 15:30 15:47:21 -> 15:30 16:00:40 -> 16:00 17:28:30 -> 17:00

How to add times in Java?

I am working on a report that does a sum of the data and part of the data is times, example: ----------------------- | At ... s me the time of a day there in front according to the date, but within 24 hour. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?